I love you 💜 [18]

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- Jungkooks POV -

Looking at the time and making sure no one was around in this lonesome ally way. I summoned a door to take me back to hell

I can't tell them about IU.

Arriving in the familiar corridors of our home in hell. Turning down one that took me down to our Usual conferencing room.

Walking in the clock struck ringing through the huge room

"Right on time Jungkook" namjoon said as I sat down

"What do you have for us?" Jimin asked making his way over to me

I can't let him into my mind he'll see IU

"Demon actvity is rising in Seoul, sooner or later jin will be forced back here to close the gate regardless if he wants to or not. His relationship with human Irene has only grown and hardned" I quickly said hoping jimin would sit back down but he didnt.

"I see, but id see better going through your thoughts" pushing his hands away and standing up backing away from the table

They all were staring at me.

"Sorry sorry, just with all the demons up there I gotta get back you know.....to keep control of them" making my way to the door it slamed shut. Turning around to see namjoons Palm out

With the slightest flick he pulled me back into my seat

"If jin dosent get back here soon!" He shouted at me. Curling his hand into a fist he sighed

"Just get him back here Jungkook" sitting back in his seat I heard the door behinde me sweep open

As I made my way to the door the feeling of not knowing what was right to do added to my confusion

"Hyungs, have you ever thought about how ripping Jin Hyung from earth will affect him?"  Knowing it would have been better to keep my mouth shut I needed to hear what they'd say.

"Jin-Hyung has loved before, he fell weak, he became a human in the end were trying to stop demons but were also protecting Hyung" Taehyung got up and made his way to me

"Why are you asking questions, when you know every outcome of what will happen jungkook?" I put my head down saying nothing in response.

"Sorry Hyung ill take my leave now" keeping my composer I left hell feeling somewhat relived to be back on earth

When I think of IU. I begin to understand why jin chose to stay with Irene.

But a demon falling in love with a human makes them weak an turns them human.

For IU, I've grown soft and I've become more "human" as well.

And somewhere along the lines

I feel no regret


- Jins POV -

A scene began to roll out infornt of me, like one of Thoese old movie tape rollers

[Bite Of A Demon] × k.sj b.jh 「Jinrene」✔Where stories live. Discover now