"That is Lara's"

"Ohh yes, I forgot your cousin is staying with you."

"Yes, she is. She is from Metropolis."

After I had gotten dressed I walk out to join them. I was wearing the same thing as before but with a matching blue tank top over it. "Hello, I'm Lara," I say to a tall woman with short black hair. I put out my hand and she shakes it.

"Hi I'm Alex." she smiles warmly at me and I return it.

"Lara this is my sister she works at the DEO and she helped set up some stuff for me to test your powers. Ready to go?"



"Hey, Kara!" yelled a short man with brown hair. 

"Supergirl" greeted a random worker walking by. Kara was in her Supergirl suit so everyone stopped and stared when we walked in.

"Hay Winn" Kara said to the first man.

"And who is this," Winn asked looking towards me.

"This is-"Kara was cut off by a green guy flying into the building. I recognized him as Martian Man Hunter.

"Hello Supergirl, Winn, Alex..." He looked at me and stopped his greetings."You look familiar." He says. 

"Well, a lot of people say I look like my father," I state. We have the same dark black hair and light blue eyes. 

"And who might that be." Both Winn and the Martian said.

"Well I am Lara Kent, and my father is Superman," I respond. I don't know how to react I've never been allowed to tell someone that before.

"Cool!" says Winn.

"I told you guys my cousin was coming to stay with me for a while." she responds.

"I thought you meant Superman," Winn says disappointed.

"Sorry, but you get his daughter," I say annoyed. I have met justice league members before. I try not to be this sassy but I was irritated. Superman isn't that cool he is just an alien. Don't get me wrong my dad is a hero but he isn't anything spectacular.

Winn laughs at my comment. "Where is your suit?" he asks.

"Lara doesn't have one." Kara answers for me." I was hoping you could make her one." she pleads.

"You want me to make Supermans daughter a suit?" He asks excitedly. "Of course!" he yells. "So are we sticking with the family colors or are we going rouge. Is there a dress code you have to follow or something? Full body or can it have cut outs? One piece or two?..." He keeps asking me a bunch of questions that I don't know the answer too. I look at Kara for help but she just shrugs. "You know what don't worry about it I will look at your personal style and determine what I think you will like best." He finishes.

"Lara follow me," Kara says and I follow her. People on computers stop and stare at me as I walk past. It was making me really uncomfortable. We walked into a training room with punching bags and dummies along with targets and cardboard people and villains. on one wall it is a large mirror which I am assuming is one-way glass. Kara tells me to stretch and we do. She gets up and shoots her laser eyes at one of the villain cutouts. "Have you done your heat vision yet?" she asks.

"I don't think so," I respond. 

Kara nods her head and starts to explain, "You just have to focus on what you want. Focus on why you are doing it and it will come naturally.". I try to focus on the villain's head thinking about the heat vision and why I want to use it. I keep doing this for ten more minutes with nothing happening. I am starting to get frustrated.

I stare at the target my eyes are locked on it. Nothing happens. I groan when the cardboard doesn't burst into flames. I kick a punching bag that is next to me and it swings back. I turn back towards the cut out when the punching bag hits me causing me to stumble to the side. I turn toward it completely infuriated and lasers shoot out of my eyes burning two large holes in the bag. Sand starts pouring out of the holes all over the floor. I turn towards Kara who is standing there with a grin. "Sorry," I say looking at the ground.

"I'd say that anger triggers your heat vision."

"I think you'd be right about that."

"Looks like we need another punching bag." the voice of Alex is suddenly booming in the room. I look at the speakers in the corner of the room. I immediately slap my hands over my ears wincing at the loud noise

"Can you turn that down?" I ask Kara.

"What do you mean?" She practically screamed. It didn't look like she was yelling but her voice was so loud. I flinch when she talks, still covering my ears. "That is just your enhanced hearing the episode will pass. She whispers. I nod but still plug my ears. The loud noises were giving me a headache. 

Alex walks in from a door I didn't even notice was there. She comes up to me and led me into another room. She explains to me how she is going to teach me hand to hand combat. I nod my head and we begin. We are doing this for an hour or two before Kara comes back to work on my freeze breath. I was at the DEO all day training and meeting people. It was really fun and exciting. 

When we get back to the apartment I am tired and sore. I just go take a shower then go straight to bed. All I could think about as I slept was today's training.

Superman's daughter ( Damian Wayne love story)Where stories live. Discover now