Chapter 24 - A Day To Remember

Começar do início

I mean, here I am just enjoying the new songs I had brought for my IPod and his face has to get all up in mine. Good job I like him.

Slapping him upside the head with a big crack. Crying out in pain, I could help but laugh. "Karma is a bitch my dear Ryan" I coo, while pinching his cheeks.

"Your so violent" he sulked, moving to my bed. "The purpose of me being here is to say get ready cause were all going out." Out, since when did we all go out at 11 in the morning. I'm surprised half the guys are even up.

Giving him a look, he knew instantly what I was on about. "Don't ask me how they've managed to get everybody up, especially on a Saturday morning. Most of us were dragged out by Trey. Were all waiting" He said before strolling out my room, with his usual 'Swaggy' walk that guys have.

Confused, I quickly put on some simple jeans, yes jeans, I wear them occasionally, with a blue tartan blouse with some converse. My hair was already presentable due to my shower this morning. Running down the stairs, without even a second glance at the mirror before leaving my room, I came to everybody waiting by the front door.

"So where are going then?" I asked a very tired looking gang. Aiden, Maddy and Trey looked to be the only ones that were fully awake, the rest of the guys looked like they would happily go to sleep on the cold tiled floor.

"Its a surprise, now lets get going!" Soon after Aiden announced that, I was dragged into the car by Maddy. The whole car ride I had tried to get them to confess but nothing. As cliche as it sounds, I don't like surprises but that's simply because I've never really had any good ones.

The last surprise I had was when mom brought home a man who was to change our lives. He changed out lives alright. He stole all of moms money and we ended getting kicked out on the streets. So, not really the best fan of surprises.

I was really anxious as to where it was we were going but the looks on every bodies faces calmed my anxiety of the whole thing. They were all happy and smiley, that's a good sign, right?

After an agonizing half an hour drive due to traffic, we were finally at out destination. A cheese cake factory, more to the point, the one that Jessie took me too.

"What are we doing here Aid?" I asked as we were all getting out the car. In Aiden's car was Aid, Maddy, me, Ryan and Charlie. The others all took the other car and I think Trey took his bike. If I knew where we were going, I would have taken mine.

Coming over and wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walked over to the Cheesecake Factory, he whispered "We're all reliving the day Jessie took you out for Valentines Day. I know It was yesterday but who's to say we can't make this all our Valentine tradition, in memory of Jessie."

That was actually the best idea I have ever heard. We get to always have Jessie with us in spirit and memory on Valentines Day. "How did you come up with that idea?" I asked him, now smiling as much as him.

He let out a small chuckle and looked at me like I was so clueless to everything that was going on. "I didn't silly, Trey did." Then with that he sent me a wink and went of into the Cheesecake Factory. Trey Lockwood planned to redo my Valentines Day with everybody, all for me.

Lockwood cares.


"This is so damn good!" Charlie moaned, having a mini food orgasm. Shaking my head at him, Maddy just buried her head in her hands. Sibling love. "Why do you have to be my brother?" This had us all laughing. These two always fight, argue and hate being related to each other but as soon either one of them is in danger, they suddenly love each other.

The Downtown BadassOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora