32: Interrogation

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"By the way, Song Joo Ri-sshi, these are Mr. & Mrs. Lee, Lee Hee Jun-sshi's parents," the chairman introduced.

Your eyes grew wide, and you somehow panicked a little as you bowed and gave a muffled 'annyeong haseyo'. Mrs. Lee grunted an irritated 'hmf' and didn't even bother to hide her distaste. You silently hoped that it wasn't exactly directed at you, and just comforted yourself with the thought that she's only upset with what happened to her son. Mr. Lee on the other hand, responded with the slightest of nod, but his expression wasn't the least bit comforting either. It seemed like they already went to see their son earlier. And by the looks of it, they are very upset about it.

Well who wouldn't be? Their son almost got beaten to death. More like infuriated is a better term to describe them right now.

"Song Joo Ri-sshi, tell us what happened at the games yesterday," Mr. Bae instructed.

"Ne. Uh, we had interclass tennis championship. The opposing teams were drawn by lots, and so I and my partner had Lee Hee Jun team as our opponent," you started.

"Your partner was Park Chanyeol, right?"

"Ne," you answered. From the corner of your eye, you saw Mrs. Lee literally hissing at you at the mention of Chanyeol's name.

"So what happened next?"

"The game was quite normal at first, but later it got heated between Chanyeol and Lee Hee Jun."

"Lee Hee Jun said that Park Chanyeol was deliberately trying to hit him with the ball through his returns. Is that true?"

"I...," you trailed off and hesitated between telling them the truth or not. You knew that Chanyeol was indeed purposefully hitting Hee Jun with his returns. But you knew that telling them the truth would probably put Chanyeol in a very bad postion. However, you also didn't want to lie, and you were not good at lying in the first place. Besides, there was a reason why Chanyeol acted that way. "Yes," you finally mumbled.

"Yes?" A board member verified.

"Hah! These despicable little rascals!" Mrs. Lee fumed.

"Please calm down first Mrs. Lee," the chairman said. Her husband pulled her back to her seat. She slumped down and glared daggers your way.

"Yes? So Park Chanyeol did try to hit Lee Hee Jun first with his returns, is that right?" Another teacher verified.

"Yes. But Chanyeol only did it because he was very angry at Lee Hee Jun that time," you immediately explained.

"He was angry? Why, did the two have a fight before the game?" Another teacher asked.

"No, but he was angry because Lee Hee Jun has been bullying me –"

"Nonsense!" Mrs. Lee spat.

"It's true Mrs. Lee. Your son has been bullying me for a while now," you insisted.

"And why would my son do that?!"

"Mrs. Lee, please let her finish," the chairman said.

"Song Joo Ri-sshi, if Lee Hee Jun has been bullying you, why didn't you report it? You could have reported it to our office and we could have helped you with that matter," Suho said.

"Obviously because she's lying," Mrs. Lee said.

"No. I didn't report it because I didn't want to cause more trouble. If I reported him and his friends, I was afraid that it would only anger them more and would only result to more bullying. And I was hoping that they'll eventually get tired of me if I just decide to ignore them," you told them.

Monster Academy [ EXO fanfic ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora