'What the hell is that?' Jasper asked; 'What are you gonna do?'

'Try not to get eaten,' Byrd stated as she pushed herself to deeper water again as Finn stripped off his flannel.

'No. Wait,' Clarke called; 'If we distract it, it might let her go.'

'What do you think I'm doing?'

'Are you crazy?'


The black haired girl kicked her feet to keep herself above the surface, before she began to flail her arms around; mimicking an injured animal. Instantly, Octavia was let go as the monster swam toward Byrd.

'Byrd! Look out!' Monty yelled.

She pushed her arms through the water, kicking her legs around furiously to keep the monsters attention but to also try and get out of the water. Jasper ran up the bank to help Octavia, but as he jumped into the water, the being changed direction.

'Shit, Jasper!' She yelled.

She began to flail around again to bring the monster back to her, but when she saw it coming back toward her, she waded out of the water as quickly as she could. Her chest heaved and her legs felt a little weak, but it didn't stop her from laughing as she walked over to see Octavia's wounds.

'I am definitely doing that again,' She cackled.

The group looked up at her, all of their faces holding their own grins. She patted Jasper's back as he stood, before she stumbled as she became dizzy again.

'Hey, you good?' Finn asked.

'Yeh,' She waved him off.

'Byrd, you're bleeding,' Clarke stated quickly when she saw blood dripping down her back.

With a sigh, Byrd pulled the soaked bandage from her head, dropping it to the ground before ripping a new piece from her shirt.

'Nothing major,' She waved the blonde off; 'Minor damage for hanging out with Skywalker.'

She tie a knot at the front of her head again, readjusting the fabric to cover her wound.

'I'm looking at that when we get back,' Clarke stated firmly.

'Knock yourself out, Blondie,' She replied bored.


It was later that night when the storm clouds hid the stars behind it, blocking the view of what would've been a gorgeous sight. Byrd had been warming herself by the fire when the first rain drops hit her skin, a huge grin lighting up her features as she pushed herself to stand. Laughter left her mouth as she tilted her head back and held her arms out to the side, letting the cool droplets hit her skin.

The others continued to sleep, unaware of the beauty happening around them. The girl spun around in a circle, sticking her tongue out to get a small amount to drink. It soaked her clothes once more, her hair sticking to her skin. It was a moment she would have to cherish forever, the first rain she had ever seen or felt. It was incredible.

After the rain passed, Byrd had sat by the fire once more; still wide awake as time passed by. Her eyes moved over the fluorescent algae on the trees surrounding her, smirking when Finn slowly sat up with a yawn. His eyes went wide at the sight around him, the light chuckle that left her mouth caught his attention.

'It's gorgeous, isn't it?' She queried as she looked around again.

'Yeh,' He sighed before his hand landed on his pants.

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now