FINAL CHAPTER / epilogue

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I went back to the car to get the twins stroller because I know I couldn't have hold them to long my arms would have fell off. We walked into the court room no fear shown. Well I don't have any fear shown these to little ones gigging like there is no tomorrow.
I took a seat as they brought out Xavier
" Court in session" the judge says hitting the desk
"Ok Xavier you were just gonna do 5 years in jail but seeing as you punched a guard in the noes aimed a gun at the guard threatening him. Shooting his foot." He says
"Judge didn't I sell you some stuff a couple of weeks ago" he says smirking
The judge looks shock but replies" I can reduce your sentence to 17 year.
"I object " I yelled
Photographers taking pictures from left to right
"Mrs. Le Blanc how does it feel for your husband to be charged for assault"
"My husband will not I repeat will not miss my kids 15th birth day and he has done many many deals with you in the Pat so I think you can go down 2 years." I say looking directly into his eyes
" Ok Xavier Le Blanc has 15 years in prison" he slams his mallet on the desk
"Case dismissed " he mumbles
"I'm not done sit your butt cheeks down" I said as he was about to get up
"My husband will also be able to see me everyday without any problems, he will get his own cell with a bathroom inside i will be able to sleep inside of his cell 3 times a week or on his children birthdays , he will take a shower when everyone is out because I k ow for sure he can't control his anger " I say
"Ok 15 years in prison take him to his cell" he slams his mallet getting up leaving as fast as possible.
I wheeled the twins over to him smiling.
"Well done babe I didn't know you could be such a good lawyer." He says ruffling my hair .
" Not the hair man not the hair and I had to I couldn't allow you to suffer and not be able to see what you created inside of me." I sigh
" At least I'm Abe to see you 3 times a week in my cell and you get to visit everyday. When I think of it no other girl probably would have done that and I appreciate you for that babe" he whispers
He picks up Liam and Xandra kissing both of their cheeks. "Im gonna love you two trouble makers don't give your mom such a hard time " he smiles hugging them tightly as they just drool on his jumper showing their gums
He smiles biting his lip holding in his tears
"I'mma see y'all tomorrow alright. "
"For sure " I hug him tight kissing him
Pictures being snapped this is probably gonna be on the news.
1 month later
I saw Xavier everyday but with all this work placed on my back I was not able to see him a lot this month I went to see him yesterday and that was it. I have only been seeing him once a month so far.
Our kids just reached 7 months. They are getting so old so fast that I can't even keep up.
2nd month
I didn't see him at tall this month I couldn't I never had the time to ever time I did something would have can up. It pissed me off so damn bad that I couldn't see him . When my kids turned 8 months he didn't see them. The cops stopped me this time saying I wasn't allowed and j was so close to jawing him in the face but I don't
want our kids to looks both of their parents .
3rd month
I gave Xavier his phone. So he was able to face time Liam and Xandra every morning , every afternoon and every night.
Sometimes he wouldn't go to sleep because we would be on the phone all night.
At one point I fell asleep on him to find out he screened recorded me sleeping while singing lonely.
Month 4
they are almost a year old.
They were able to pick up some word but it's nothing. Xandra has tried to walk but failed.
Xavier call the same time everyday.
Nothing has changed except I became a little colder to the enemy. I don't have targets on my back no more. Everyone is scared of me. I'm able to kill without hesitation especially when they sometimes threaten our kids that's when they crossed the line.
When Xavier found out what I was doing he was a little surprised but not happy . He didn't want me to be like him.
But I think it's a little to late for that.
Month 6
"Happy birth day to you x2"
Happy birth day Xandra and Liam
Happy birthday to you
"Happy one year babies" I kissed their cheek
"Tanks mama" they both yelled giggling clapping their hands
They already have their two front teeth
A knock on the door stops the guest and the music.
I open the door
"daddy's home "Xavier smirks
I already started balling my eyes out y'all cause I wasn't able to visit him as much we just face timed.
I literally dropped to my knees. Crying my eyes out.
" You piece of-" I started off
"I kissed you to Mi Amore" he says hugging me tightly
"Babe you might want to turn around" he whispers in my ears
"Dada home" they both yelled taking small steps
"Oh my get the camera their taking their first steps " I cried again
"This is to much for me " I wiped my tears
The whole day we spent it together laughing talking sharing funny moments together .
Xaviar spent the night.
Waking up in the morning to kisses all over my face I see thoes green eyes I fell for.
"Morning baby" he says in his morning voice
At that moment I melted into a puddle
Knocks were heard at the door" xaviar time to go back" they banged on our door
He put his jumpsuit back on before running downstairs allowing the cops to cuff him.
A tear slipped from my eye
As they put he head in the car he got back out running towards me kissing me hard. Before running back to the cops
"Xilian is not over babe this is just the beginning" he yelled
"You made a ship name for us " I blushed yelling back
"Who doesn't have a ship name our boat is just sailing to the sunset. I'll see you in 14 years sexy"
" I will try to come visit as much as I can" I say
"Babe don't front its all good just call me day, afternoon, before you go out, and bed time then we all good." He says blowing a kiss
" I love you dumbass" I yelled
"I love you more Mi Amore "
"This isn't over" he yelled
I walked over to the car tired of the yelling "I know we are just getting started "I said leaning on the car

BOOK 2 IS COMING OUT THE NEXT DAY CAUSE I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH MY LIFE. I love all of y'all who decided to give this book a try I'm so evil I'm gonna leave you on Cliff hanger preview of the first chapter
"Xavier how does it feel to go back home to your wife and kids" the reporter asked
"It feels good actually I'm gonna make up for each day I've missed in their life." I replied
Getting into the taxi I drive to the place I call home. Walking up to the door step the door is opened to the 3 people I missed the most.
"My nigga" Lilian says
They all hug me tightly
"Welcome home" they mumbled
These chapters need to still be edited so there is minor spelling errors that need to be fixed other wise share this book with whoever you like . I hoped you enjoyed book two is gonna be in here so don't worry you will get an update .
1387 words

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