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chetyuh was the person to encourage me to write this book so go give hers a try❤️
On with the story

Getting out of my office I yawn walking all the way down to my black Lamborghini. Getting inside remembering what today is is me and my husband Alec 3 year anniversary. All tiredness drifting away as I bounce up and down. We started dating in college I was 20 he was 24. He thought he was not ready to be a business man so he took an extra 4 years while I was fully ready. He proposed to me on graduation day as I was walking up to the stage he was behind the curtains. As soon as I got my diploma the curtains separated seeing Alec down on one knee that the best graduation day ever. We had the marriage on January 1 2015.
As I pursued my dreams to be a fashion designer I was able to get a start off money from my parents who are CEOs of single parenting/co parenting. I began my company as soon as I got out of college and a year later I was the millionaire of the world. Every where I got there's paparazzi I can never get peace and that's what I hate the most about them there always trying to find a way to fuck up my life.
Like there was one time 1 year ago the day after our one year anniversary I was with a client who wanted me to create her wedding dress. She went to go pick up something from the car apparently the paparazzi did not see all of that so as soon as we were alone they started snapping pictures and guess what the position we were in did not make it even better my hands were in his and he was whispering something he wanted to buy her after their wedding but obviously the paparazzi wanted to ruin that.
So when she came back they were still snapping and she looked aggravated. Why? She couldn't find what she was looking for in the car.
The next day Alec was reading the paper and oh did he looked pissed. As soon as I went to give him a good morning kiss he turned his face which resulted me to kissing his cheek. I was confused as hell. As soon as he stood up that's when he finally let his anger out . Throwing the paper at me I caught it before if scattered all over the floor. What I saw on the first page was shocking . Millionaire Lilian night is cheating on her 1 year husband after the day of their anniversary with one of her clients"
"Lilian night caught at Mia's restaurant with a client. Hand in hand with him whispering into her ear. She was caught smiling wide, wider than she has smiled when we had caught her and Mr .night walking the beach, going through stores on dinner date , or on their 1 year anniversary.
As you turned to the next page
I flipped the page reading the rest
The girlfriend of the client appeared to be disappointed and aggravated. I wonder if this is the first time they have met.
Is this it ? Are the night couple tired of each other ? Is this the first time she cheated.
Stay tuned for more
I was shocked as heck looking at Alec he began screaming
" Is this what your out doing now flirting with clients" he said pissed off in the verge of screaming
"No it's not what you think Alec he was discuss-" I began but had gotten cut off
"Discussing what ways to leave the restaurant with out any paparazzi finding out or to leave without the girlfriend being suspicious" he screamed throwing the glass mug at the wall near me. I didn't flinch . I've been through worst.
"I though you trusted me" I screamed back
"After this I don't think I can trust you" he said rubbing his face
" Are you serious your believing a damn paper instead of your wife" my screaming had died down tears slowly made there way down
" I don't know what to believe" he yelled frustrated
" Your supposed to believe me " I said slowly walking to him
He shook his head and backed up slowly "please don't"
"Are you serious" I cried slowly
"You should already know about the paparazzi always wanting drama they want the satisfaction of seeing couple's break slowly" I said drying my tears
"And your giving them that " I said picking my belongings and walking upstairs into a guest room. I locked the door before slowly sliding down the door sobbing loudly
that was a year ago after the fight trust issues were hard to gain. After a year we were fine we understood what happened and it was never to happened again.
As I reached the door I opened it slowly walking in to see roses scattered all over the floor. I smiled
Following the roses I tiptoed following the roses. Seeing them end up at the guest bedroom I hear something.
I opened the door slowly only to hear it again.
" Happy one year anniversary babe" he said kissing somebody across from him. They started backing up to the bed. I gasped lowly to see my best friend since middle school under him.
Tears flooding my eyes. I opened the door wider to see her eyes closed. I stood there in shock. Tears streaming
I closed the door slowly still crying.
Taking my phone I called Alec
I changed in my mind
Please don't lie
Please don't lie
Please don't lie
I continued chanting till I hear her say "don't pick it up it's not important" while gasping
"It might be Lillian " he said pulling out picking up the phone
"When are you gonna divorce her" she said whispering but loud enough for me to hear
I walked up to the door
"Lilian hey babe was sup"
"These divorce papers is what's gonna be up in your face" I said holding the phone while watching them scramble to pick up their clothes.
"You know where the exit is don't give me an explanation talking about "it's not what it looks like B's" just get out" I say walking down to the kitchen
As I sit on the bar stool with a glass of wine. Swirling it side to side
"What is taking them so damn long " I though just as they started walking down stairs slowly
I stared at them blankly Maria smirked walking hand in hand with Alec.
" You have 24 hours to pick up your shit tomorrow or they will be out in the lawn on fire. "
" Just realizing what will probably happen as soon as you both walk out of the doors remember the world loves me they are on my side .
I've donated many things to kids with different types of sickness, I helped families get off the streets I still am in a matter of fact.
Even people in your firm are very very found of me. I've been told that you should be removed from your position or I should divorce you because they have seen you with countless women up in your office
Karma is gonna end up hitting you hard " I said as they continued walking out of the door
" You may even go bankrupt but don't come back to me for money" I said gulping the wine in one go.
" Tata idiota" I smiled as they shut the door
He better be careful with me I don't take stuff like this easily.

The millionaire's ex husbandWhere stories live. Discover now