Chapter 10: Don't Shoot

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"Taylor let's go! We need to leave now before the moon fully comes up." I heard Elena call up from the stairs. As I walked out of my bedroom Scott followed me but stopped when we reached the stairs. He leaned against the wall while watching me start to walk down the stairs. I turned around and looked into his beautiful brown eyes then quickly ran back up the stairs to give him one last hug. Scott seemed to be a bit taken back by my actions but in all honesty I was worried about the situation we were in. I wasn't worried about meeting the Argents but I was worried about everyone else and how they were going to handle their side of things. Scott leaned down and gave me a quick kiss before saying,"Everything is going to be okay over here. I'm going to watch Tyler and Stiles and they will be fine. I'll teach them to control their phasing and no one will escape the house. I just need you to watch yourself and be careful. Okay?" "Okay." I said with a small smile. Scott gave me one last hug then I headed down the stairs.

Elena, Caroline, and I walked through the woods for an hour before Caroline was able to pick up some noise of people heading in our direction. "Elena we have to go." Caroline said while taking her backpack off and handing it to me. I raised my eyebrow and ask her, "What do I need this for? I already have my bow and arrows." "There's a couple other things in there that you can use just in case things get bad. Plus I took a Polaroid picture of Isaac to show that he's dead." Caroline said while reaching into the backpack and pulling out the picture. I reached inside the bag as well and pulled out a circular object. Once I was able to get a good look at it I gasped,"Where the hell did you guys find grenades? Is it really going to be that bad that I need to blow up the whole forest?" "Relax it's just a smoke bomb... with vervain in it. We got it from Alaric." Elena said trying to comfort me. I signed shaking my head as I stuffed the picture back into the book bag but keeping the grenade out just in case. Caroline pulled me in for a hug then said to me,"We won't be far from you. Just keep walking straight and you should be with the hunters soon." I nodded my head as I let go of our hug and hugged Elena. Elena smiled and said to me,"Good luck Tay." And before I knew it I was alone, in the woods, in the dark.

            I continued walking straight like Caroline said but it felt like forever before I even heard some faint whispering coming closer. Quickly I hid behind a tree and waited for the noise to get closer. "Why are we even out here Dad? There's nothing to hunt. We haven't found a single thing this whole night." A girl said. Well at least I know they haven't killed anyone tonight. "Now Allison, patience is key. I'm sure we'll catch something tonight." A man replied back. Allison? Like Isaac's Allison? She shouldn't be here! Scott said she was supposed to be back home.. "Wait I think I hear something." Someone said. Oh no maybe they heard my people. I need to distract them and make them think the noise was me. I came out from behind the tree just in time for a group of people to come into sight. They all raised their weapons towards me and stood completely still. "Don't shoot!" I shouted while holding the grenade out in front of me so that they could all see me. I watched all of their faces change from confident to slightly frightened,"I'm not afraid to pull the pin. Put your weapons down and no one gets hurt." A older man, that was partially bald but what hair he had left was pure white, took a step forward then turned around to look at his people as he said,"Put your weapons down. I have a feeling we are going to like this girl." Oh yeah you're going to like me. I watched as they all slowly put their weapons down on the ground complying with their bosses commands. "Hello, my name is Gerard Argent. What is your name?" The man asked me. I thought for a second questioning whether or not to tell them my name but I realized that since our town was so small that they would find out who I really was very quickly. "My name is Taylor. Taylor Salvatore." I replied back while slipping the grenade into my pocket. "Are you guys the group of hunters from California?" I asked just blurting out the question. Gerard nodded his head then asked, "How do you know about us?" "Word travels fast when you have eyes and ears everywhere." I said rather confidently. Eyes and ears were literally everywhere but of course Gerard and his people didn't know that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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