Chapter 5: Let's Take a Break

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          After a nice and quiet dinner at the diner with Scott the two of us headed to his house. The car ride there was also quiet and the music played in the background but I didn't pay much attention to it. Scott looked a little nervous for some reason but he tried not showing it but I could tell that he was still nervous. I was always pretty good about seeing things about other people that even they couldn't see. Finally, Scott parked the car in a driveway and he signed. "Listen, just so you don't get shocked when you walk in there, my mom is probably going to be surprised when she sees you especially since Allison and I broke up. Also, just know that it's okay to talk to her about what I am and what your family is. She pretty much has known everything about me for almost two and a half years now. Oh and this will probably be really obvious when you go inside but um my mom is dating Stiles dad. Yeah that's been going on for awhile but I just thought you should know." Scott said explaining everything to me. I chuckled and said to him,"Relax. Everything will be fine. I'm just a human that grew up with vampires." Scott laughed rolling his eyes as he got out of the car and I followed.

Scott pulled out his key and opened the door. It was ‪12:30‬ at night so I wasn't very sure on if anyone was awake at this time but sure enough they were. A very pretty woman dressed in scrubs was sitting next to a man dressed in a sheriffs uniform on the couch. "Hey mom." Scott said walking over to the couch and hugging the woman. I closed the door behind me as I walked into their living room. "Hi Scott. I'm glad you came home. Oh and who is this lovely lady?" Scott's mom asked when she pulled away from their hug. Scott looked back at me and smiled slightly,"Oh this is Taylor. She's the vampires niece but she's completely human." 'Well more or less' I thought to myself. "Well it's very nice to meet you. I'm Melissa." Scott's mom said extending her hand to shake mine. I hesitated for a moment but not wanting to be rude I extended my hand and shook her hand. I started to have a blurry vision but I quickly pulled my hand away and looked over at Scott. He looked almost shocked that I wasn't going into my zone out stage. "It's really nice to meet you too Ms. McCall." I said looking up at her. Then I looked over at the man on the couch and smiled slightly. "And you must be Sheriff Stilinski, your son talks about you often." I stated as I remembered Stiles telling me about all of the cool cases that his dad has had in the past while working as the sheriff. "Well it is nice to meet you Taylor. I'm glad my son told you all about me." Sheriff Stilinski said as he extended his hand for me to shake. I slowly extended my hand and shook his hand. My vision started to become blurry again so I quickly pulled my hand back. Scott walked over and stood next to me and I whispered to him,"Im starting to feel light headed from the hand shakes. Can you go get me some water please?" "Oh yeah of course." Scott whispered back before leaving my side and walking out of the room.

"So Taylor tell us about your family." Melissa said as she sat back down on the couch next to Sheriff Stilinski. I paused for a moment thinking about how I could tell her in the most normal way possible but then I decided against it since after all her son is a werewolf. "Well um my mother was a human but she died giving birth to me. Then my father left my mother when he found out she was pregnant so I have no interest of meeting him but he was a warlock. Apparently he had an amazing ability of sight so I'm guessing that's where I got it from. Then I have my two uncles that I live with. There's Damon and Stefan and Damon is a little rough around the edges but deep inside he has a really warm and kind heart. Stefan is the complete opposite because he is just naturally kind to everyone and is super loving and helpful. I also have my friends Elena, Jeremy, Caroline, Bonnie, Tyler, and Matt who are like family to me. Oh and my boyfriend Klaus who is one of the original hybrids. So he is part vampire and werewolf. And that is pretty much my family." I explained as I awkwardly put my hands into my pockets. Sheriff Stilinski smiled and nodded his head as he asked,"That's amazing. So what are you able to see?" "Oh I can actually see your past, present, and future." I replied back with a smile. Scott finally emerged from the kitchen with two bottles of water. He smiled as he handed one to me. "Thanks." I said to him as I gratefully took the water bottle and opened it before taking a sip. "Do you think you can look at mine?" Melissa asked curiously. I nodded my head and said,"Sure." Scott quickly looked over at me and asked,"Are you sure? You don't have to do it now if you aren't feeling well." "Don't worry I'm fine." I said reassuring Scott as I sat down on the couch next to his mother. She smiled at me then gave me her left hand.

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