Chapter 9: Plotting the Death of Isaac Lahey

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After a few minutes of sitting on the ground and hugging one another, Scott and I decided to head downstairs to find the others. I knew that since today was the full moon we were locking Tyler downstairs in the basement since he had a hard time controlling his phasing and I assumed that Stiles would be down there with him since he was having the same problem. Usually on full moon nights everyone left me to watch over Tyler just to make sure he didn't escape, even though if he did escape there wouldn't be much I could do since I am a human after all. However, since werewolf bites are extremely 'venomous' to vampires all of the vampires tend to stay far away from Tyler but only come around when they are really needed. So far Tyler hasn't been too bad and hasn't broke out of the basement yet. I wasn't sure if Stiles would with his strength or not but I knew that since the pack was staying behind that I was sure they would help to keep both of the boys in the basement the whole night.

I️ looked to my left once we reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Caroline sitting with Tyler on the floor while they talked about their plans for tomorrow. Then I️ looked to my right and saw Derek and Isaac putting chains that we attached to the wall on Stiles wrists. Scott opened up the door and let me in before closing the door behind him. "Hey guys." I said while standing off to the side so that I wouldn't be in the way of the boys. "Hey... how are things?" Stiles said awkwardly just to lighten up the mood. Scott and I exchanged glances and I knew that Scott was wanting me to answer Stiles so that he knew how I was feeling too. "Things are better now that everyone has kind of settled down." I stated while looking down at the small bruises on my wrist. Scott reached over and held my hand just so that he could rub small circles around my wrist to take away the discomfort of the bruises. I looked up at him and smiled slightly to show him that I was grateful to have him with me so that he could comfort me. Stiles and Isaac exchanged glances before Isaac asked,"So is this like official now or is it like too soon?" Scott awkwardly cleared his throat as he made his way across the room over to Derek. "So what's the plan tonight Derek?" Scott asked trying to ignore the boys question. Derek looked up after securing the last cuff on Stiles and replied back,"Well the three of us are going to stay here to watch over Stiles and Tyler. Taylor is going with Caroline and Elena into the woods to find the hunters. Then Caroline and Elena are going to retreat to their hiding spot with Stefan, Klaus, and Damon. Which will leave Taylor alone to talk to the hunters." "Wait she's going to be alone?" Scott asked sounding rather uneasy. "I'll be fine. I'm a tough girl, remember?" I said while putting my hands behind my back so that Scott wouldn't be tempted to look at my wrist and second guess if I really was okay alone. Scott nodded his head before rubbing the back of his neck.

             Stiles looked over at Isaac and asked,"Isaac what happened that made you run away from school?" "Well I was called down to the office to talk with the principal but when I got in there, there were three guys standing there waiting for me. This short guy told me that they were sent to kill me because they knew that I was a werewolf and when I saw him start to reach for his gun I ran and jumped out of the opened window." Isaac said while awkwardly twiddling his thumbs. "No that's not right, Allison's father promised us protection. These guys must be with other people." Scott said in disbelief. Isaac shook his head and replied back,"They were with the Argents. I know that for a fact..." All of the boys shook their heads and looked away from each other.

        After a few moments Isaac broke the silence by punching the wall with enough force to make a small dent in the concrete. "I trusted her!" Isaac shouted as he punched the wall again. Derek reached out his hand and placed it on Isaacs shoulder,"We all trusted them but now we have to let them go. That is the only way that we are going to be able to protect each other." "I loved her... and I just thought that.. that she would care enough to protect us." Isaac replied back looking over at Derek. "Maybe she didn't know about the attempt attack." I stated breaking my silence. Scott raised his eyebrow and asked,"What do you mean?" "I mean that maybe someone else is calling the shots. If it's not her and her dad that sent those guys after you then maybe it's someone else. Probably someone with more experience in the business or someone in the family." I replied back while shrugging my shoulders as if to say I wasn't truly sure if I was right or not. "Someone in the family....Allison's grandfather! Scott, he's still in charge. He's making the decisions and everyone is following him." Stiles exclaimed when the thought finally came to him. Derek nodded his head and said,"He might be right. Allison's grandfather kind of has it out for us." "Well that means I need to make really good friends with him tonight. And I think I have an idea of how to do that." I stated. The boys all looked at me and asked,"How?" "Allison's grandfather wants Isaac dead so let's do it." I said shrugging my shoulders. Isaac raised both of his eyebrows in shock as he looked at the others and protested,"You guys aren't really considering killing me right? She's obviously insane." "She doesn't mean literally killing you, idiot." Derek said rolling his eyes. "I just mean that we can fake your death. If we put fake makeup on your face to make you look dead then I can take a picture and show it to them so that I can gain their trust." I explained to them.

"You may gain the trust of everyone else but you won't gain Allison's trust. Allison will probably try to kill you." Isaac stated while folding his arms across his chest. I nodded my head understandingly,"Yeah I get that but I have a plan for that too." "What might that-" Isaac started to ask but Scott cut him off. "We don't have time for an explanation of another plan. Let's just let her do what she has to." Scott said. Stiles and Derek nodded their heads as if to say that they agree with Scott. "Perfect. So Derek, I need you to go talk to Caroline and let her know about the plan and Isaac you can go make sure that Tyler is all chained up for tonight." I said giving them their own instructions to keep them occupied. Derek and Isaac nodded their heads and quickly left the room. "What about us?" Scott asked meaning me and him. I pointed upstairs and said,"I am going to get changed because I obviously am not dressed for werewolf hunting." "Oh well I should probably get changed too." Scott said while looking over at Stiles while Stiles gave him the 'we all know you don't need to get changed but go ahead' look. I nodded my head and motioned for him to follow me.

           It was kind of weird walking into my room because it felt like forever since I've actually been in it but in reality I was only gone for three days. Scott closed the door behind himself then sat down at the bottom of the bed. He was quiet as he watched me rummage through my drawers until I found a pair of long black workout pants, a light gray tee shirt, a pair of  boots, and a black leather jacket. I signed as I looked at the clothes in my hands realizing that it was getting close to the time of my departure which meant that once I leave everything was left on my shoulders. Scott must've known how I was feeling because before I knew it he was instantly holding me from behind. I closed my eyes and leaned against him. "You can do this." He whispered in my ear before he started to kiss my neck. I quickly turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck,"You really think so?" "I know so." Scott replied back. I smiled slightly as I got up on my tip toes so that I could kiss Scott. He bent down to meet me halfway and kissed me. However, this time when we kissed, there was nothing holding me back. It was like this inner beast tore through the inside of me and I pushed Scott against the wall while kissing him. Scott smirked as he jokingly said to me,"I guess you should be the alpha since you're so dominantly aggressive today." I giggled before he picked me up and began to kiss me again.

            I smiled while he kissed me from my neck to my cheek. He was gentle and took his time with every individual kiss. Scott walked over and placed me down on my bed. "You should probably get changed." He said while kissing me one last time. I rolled my eyes at him and replied back,"That's just an excuse for you teasing me." "Yeah well I have to save some things for later so that you have an incentive to come back alive." Scott said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and chuckled before standing up and grabbing my clothes and heading into my bathroom to change.

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