[14]One Month

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Akari's POV

Damm bastard...knocked me out. Apparently "I would've passed put from chakra loss sooner or later anyways," so he said. Now...I have one month to train. I won't have any rest during the month. I also have to hold up my promise to Sasuke and teach him a new technique. I sighed. I sure have a lot to do. For the finals, I was going to fight both Kakashi and Guy. If I don't improve, i'm 99.9% percent sure I'm screwed. I sighed. Fuck. First, let's go find duckass. He should be in the hospital or training with Kakashi. I'll go with the latter. I jumped from roof to roof. I walked up the mountain wall and sat on top of the Yondaime's stone face. Channeling chakra to my ears, I listened for Sasuke's voice. Hn. He is with Kakashi. I teleported to them. "Yo." I greeted. They looked at me. "Why are you here?" Kakashi asked. "To keep my end of a promise I made to Sasuke." I told him. Sasuke smirked. "About time." He said. Arrogant, cocky bastard...

Third POV:

Both of them sweatdropped. It was almost as if they could almost hear her thoughts chanting insults and quite the colourful words at Sasuke. Akari sighed. "So, what do you want me to teach you?" She asked. He looked at her. "I get to choose?" He asked. "No shit Sherlock. I'm obviously not asking you to choose. Maybe Naruto's stupidity is rubbing off on you..." She muttered. Both of them sweatdropped again. "You choose for me." Sasuke decided. Akari rose her eyebrows. 'Strange...but okay, I guess?' She thought. "What are his chakra natures?" She asked Kakashi.

Akari's POV:

Fire and lightning. Hn. "I might be able to teach you how to screw with a person's nervous system by messing with the electrical signals that are sent to the brain..." I mused. They shivered. "You...can do that?" The asked simultaneously. "Yeah, but it takes a lot of chakra and very precise chakra control." I told them. "Mabye something that...I don't know, can't endanger the very existence of shinobi?" Sasuke asked. "Fine. You can copy a technique from me." I said. I walked up to the edge of the cliff. Sasuke turned on his sharingan and walked up beside me. I did the required hand signs.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Dragon!"

I blew out an enormous stream of fire shaped like a dragon. His eyes widened. "Got it? Keep practicing, and one day, you'll be even better than me!" I said. He nodded. "Well, I have to go train. If I don't, I'm probably going to get my ass kicked." I told Kakashi. He chuckled. "It would be pretty hard for us to beat you, even if you didn't train." He admitted. "Hn. Then it looks like you'll have to do some training as well then." I smirked. "See ya." I said, and teleported away.

I was back on the ledge with the cherry blossom tree. I closed my eyes.

"It's been a while, hasn't it, Sagakami?" I greeted. "It has, indeed." She mused. "Now, i'll get straight to the point. The final rounds of the Chunin exams are coming up. I'm going against Kakashi and Guy. Can you train me?" I asked. She gave me a wolfish grin. "Why not?" She said. We both smirked. "Let's start. What was my mother's summoning?" I asked. "Me." She replied. "Huh?!" I shouted. "Her summoning was me." She said again. "Please explain how she could summon you..." I sweatdropped. She snickered. "Well, I wasn't her many summoning, but she had massive chakra reserves, enough to summon me. Her main summonings were wolves. Normal sized ones..." She added with a sweatdrop. I sighed. Thank Kami they're normal sized ones. Then again...I wonder what "normal sized" means for her...

"Where's the summoning contract?" I asked. "A snowy tundra near the outskirts of the land of snow, where the wolves live. In order to obtain the contract, you most likely will have to prove yourself worthy to them, though." She warned. I nodded. "Arigato. I suppose I should start heading there." I told her. She nodded.

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