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Taehyung's POV
They threw me to the ground of a cell. I felt my breathing become heavy. Tears clouded my vision from the pain.

"Let me in. Chanyeol gave me permission," I heard a familiar voice say.

The gate swung open. I looked up seeing the face of the man who helped me the first time Chanyeol threatened me, Baekhyung.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. I'm Baekhyung by the way," the man said as he crouched by me.

He helped me sit up. He held a glass to my chapped lips, helping me get some water into my system. He took out some bandages out of a first aid kit he brought with him. Baekhyung began to clean and bandage my wounds.

"You see, Chanyeol, I'm his...I'm just his. He gets jealous sometimes when I don't know my place. Again, I'm sorry. He's trying to punish m-," Baekhyung says, faking a smile.

"It's ok, really," I interrupted as he wrapped me up.

"It really isn't. Anyways, I've talked to Chanyeol. He promised me he won't hit you anymore, but still be careful with him. He isn't always great with keeping promises," Baekhyung said, finishing bandaging me.

I nodded in response.

"I should go. He told me I could only be here for a little... Be careful. I'll leave some water and food by the door," the man said before leaving.

I looked at the flickering light above my head.

I felt broken.

Jungkook's POV
Yoongi drove me to the park, rightfully not trusting me alone with Jimin. I looked at my phone seeing the 50 messages from Jin trying to figure out where I am.

"You good?" Yoongi asked me

I nodded in response

I kept my phone on silent, wanting to focus on what was going on. I picked up my phone scrolling through the messages as I walked.

Mother Jinnie 💛
Where are you? You can't just randomly leave.

I heard that Tae is missing.

Please be safe

To Mother Jinnie 💛
I'm fine

Soon, a sketchy black car pulled up to the street next to the small park. I got out of Yoongi's car and walked towards what I knew to be Kai's car. I noticed Kai. He gestured me to get in the car. Quickly, I entered the passenger's seat of the car, closing the door.

"Cuz, no matter what happens, you can't tell anyone that it was me who gave you these things. They'll kill me," Kai said nervously.

He never done this type of thing before. The gang was his family after all.

"Yea, I understand," I whispered.

"Alright, I'm only doing this because Taehyung is an innocent kid, and shouldn't be in this mess. Things are getting worse you know," he began to explain.

"I understand, just tell me what you want me to know," I said beginning to feel slightly frustrated at the nervous man.

"Here's the address for where he's being held and this is the security system. I also gave you some protection, just in case," Kai said, passing me a paper bag.

I peaked inside the bag seeing some papers and a pistol.

"Don't worry about paying me back for the guns. They aren't even a part of the gang's stock anyways," Kai stated.

I nodded closing the bag.

"You should call Hoseok. He isn't a part of the gang and a good fighter," Kai began to say.

I was surprised by him suddenly mentioning his name.

"He has a big heart. And I know it might not seem like it because of the whole thing that happened at the wedding, but he had his reasons for helping Jimin. I know he'll help you," Kai continued.

"I'll think about it," I said wondering what Kai meant by Hoseok having his reasons to help Jimin with that horrible wedding.

"Thanks for the package," I said gesturing to the brown paper bag, beginning to climb out of the car.

Kai put a hand on my shoulder nervously, stopping me from getting out of the car fully. I looked back at him wondering what he has to say.

"Good luck," Kai said looking at my eyes with sincerity.

I moved completely out of the car as he removed his shaky hand and I walked out back to Yoongi's car.

Hi! Please vote and comment! So what do you think Hoseok's intentions were originally? How do you think everyone will protect Taehyung? What's your opinion on Kai helping his family?

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