Fighting for you

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Jimin's POV

This whole situation was a mess. I hate every part of it. There was no way that it would be easy to get him back. That gang would do anything for some cash. Honestly, I'm not sure what to do. I just wanted to say I had a plan to get everyone to shut up.

"We have to steal him back. Or maybe get something of value of the gang... we could play dirty," Jimin whispered thinking to himself.

"I thought you said you had a plan," Jungkook said mockingly.

"I lied alright, But your the one who threatened to punch me! Do you have an idea? Cause I would love to hear it mr smart ass," I shouted.

"Everyone just shut up! We'll come up with a plan together," Yoongi shouted finally gaining silence from the others.

Taehyung's POV
It's been hours since I've been left here. I feel dirty... I just want to be home again.

Suddenly I was lifted by Kai. For some reason he seemed to be softer towards me compared to the others.

He pushed me towards the room that we were in before. Chanyeol stood in front of me as I was pushed on my knees. I looked at the floor, scared to make eye contact. Chanyeol held a baseball bat, swinging it around slightly. The other man, Baekhyung, that helped me before was no where to be found.

"I'm going to have fun with you," Chanyeol whispered, grabbing my chin to force me to look up at him.

"Sir, is this too far? Is the bat really necessary?" Kai asked.

"Shut up! Or do you want me to beat you too? Let's see what makes this kid so special that made Baek mad at me," Chanyeol yelled.

Jungkook's POV

Ring Ring

Jungkook picked up his phone.

"Hey cuz... It's me. I know your mad at me...I also know that Chanyeol got something of yours and usually I would go along with something of his, but this is too far. He usually just leaves prisoners alone and only hits them a little bit, but he's allowing more to happen now since he's become more emotional... I've decided to give you some information. Meet me at the park, where we met before," I heard a deep voice say.

"Who's that?" Yoongi asked.

"Our ticket to Tae," I said, tucking my phone away.

Thanks for reading! Sorry I've been gone for a long time, it's just I've been going through some personal things. Sorry the chapter is short too. I'll try to post more. Please comment and vote!

A Cheater's Love (A Vkook Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें