Chapter Eighteen

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We had to break through the hallucination.

We HAD to.

For Roman.

"Cheers," I said weakly, tapping our plastic white cups together. I hesitated, before hurrying up and drinking the whole thing.

For Roman.



a quick warning

this chapter is going to get 

a little bit... 



Point of View: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Present Day

I was standing in the middle of an unfamiliar room.

I blinked in surprise, spinning around in a circle - shocked by the sudden change in setting.  The room was small, but it felt... oddly cozy.  It was simple enough, black and white modern theme playing about the room.  A black leather couch sat in the corner, across from a large widescreen television in the corner.  A small, round, black kitchen table simply decorated with a small vase with a single white daisy inside was only a few feet away from him.

I spun around a circle, frowning.  Something about this place... it almost seemed familiar.  But... I've never seen it before.  I know I haven't.  But still I couldn't help wondering... it was suprisingly...


"Ah dangit."

I jumped in surprise at the voice, turning around and already preparing my apologizes on intruding this person's home -


It - It was Roman, of course it was.  Who else would it be? He was dressed up - but not in his usual top, but a slim white button up shirt and black dress pants.  His tie, untied and hanging from his shoulders, was black.  

His expression was grim.

"I was trying so hard not to wake you," he admitted.  "But you just had to be a light sleeper, didn't you?" Roman teased, a smile on his lips.

I took several quick steps forward -

And then I was kissing him.

Roman let out a muffled gasp of surprise, but he kissed back.  I gripped his tie tightly in my hands, holding him close.

After a moment, Roman hummed, content and pulling back.  "Why thank you," he grinned.  "What's the occasion for such affection so early in the morning?"

"I..." I paused.  

Why had I kissed him?  

"I... just missed you, I guess," I felt my cheeks turn pink and sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck.  I shook my head, bangs falling over my eyes but saw Roman smiling all the same.

There's No Such Thing As Happy Endings - Book Three of the Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now