Chapter Thirteen

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"Oh oh oh!" Ollie said, running over to me, tugging on my hoodie. "I have to tell you something. It's really important."

"What is it?"

"It is about the young prince," Ollie said and I winced inwardly at the way he described Roman. That what father called him, and I hated it.

"W-What is it?" I repeated, only stuttering a little.

"Well, I can't really TELL you," Ollie admitted. "You have to come with me! Come on, Vee!" Ollie said taking my hand.

"Waitwaitwait," I said, pulling back. "Where are you taking me, kid? Is it safe?"

Ollie giggled at that. "We are going to see her!"

"Who is her?" Logan asked, frowning, glancing between Patton and me, seeing if we knew who Ollie was talking about. Both of us remained just as clueless.

"Well, who else?" Ollie answered cheerfully, giggling.

I gasped at it finally hit me eyes widening. "Y-You don't mean..." I let my voice trail off in disbelief. T-There was no way, he could actually mean...

"Yup - Fairy Godmother!!"


Point of View: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Present Day

"Come on, Vee," Ollie said, reaching for my hand.  "She's been waiting."

I was so stunned I couldn't even bring myself to speak.  How - What - HOW? 

Fairy G O D M O T H E R?!

"Wait for us," Patton said hurriedly.  "We're comin' too.  Come on, Lo," Patton said leaving no room for argument.

But Ollie quickly shook his head.  "She only wants to see him," Ollie said, pointing a thumb at me.

Wait, why does she only want to see me? And why doesn't she want Patton or Logan to come? How did Ollie even know her to begin with? 

Gosh, I had so many questions...

Sparks barked loudly, sniffing my combat boots.  It was almost like she knew I was getting ready to leave her again.

I kneeled down, rubbing behind her ears and she excitedly wagged her tail at all the attention - basically shoving her head in my face in attempt to lick me.

Was... was I really going to go with Ollie? To meet this... Fairy Godmother? I don't know, I don't know I don't want to leave without the others...

But if she only wanted to see me...

Was this an opportunity that I could pass up?

"You can stay with Dad, Sparks," I said, glancing up at Patton who was wearing a worried expression.  "Is that alright?" I asked, trying to hide the fact that my hands were shaking with nerves.

Patton nodded slowly, forcing a smile.  He kneeled down, holding his fist out to Sparks.  Curiously, she slowly abandoned me - sniffing him and licking his hand until he opened it.  Patton settled on the floor and Sparks all but climbed on top of him, trying to lick his face.  Patton was giggling almost immediately, petting her.  He really did love dogs - normal ones or hellhounds.

"Safe travels to both of you," Logan said, adjusting his glasses and taking a step backwards, eyes flickering to Patton - who was now giggling as Sparks kept licking his cheeks and hitting his glasses - Patton barely able to keep them on his face.

There's No Such Thing As Happy Endings - Book Three of the Why I Run SeriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora