How You Wake Up

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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Trying to make up for lost time today! (Also forgive the format, I switched from phone to laptop midway through writing.) 

Ian: "Wake up, wake up, wake up!!" It's Ian. It's always Ian shaking you like a child to wake you up.
"What?" You ask half irritated that your blissful sleep was interrupted. Only half and usually not even that much because you know that now you get to spend the day with your person.
His response is always something along the lines of, "I can't kiss you if you're asleep that's creepy plus I'm hungry and I don't wanna make breakfast twice."

Anthony: Every morning you wake up to kisses showering your face. As your eyes flutter open, the first thing you see is the love of your life smiling at you.
"Good morning beautiful." His voice always sounds heavenly like it comes from the bottom of his soul.
"Morning," you murmur still half asleep but happier than you ever thought you could be.

Shayne: You often wake up before Shayne and smile for a bit up at your sleeping beau wondering how you ever became so lucky. After a few seconds, you roll over and prop yourself up kissing his forehead.
"You missed." He mumbles, smiling. You always comply and kiss him, he often tries to deepen the kiss to no success.
"Not until you brush your teeth." You joke as he pouts. (You do allow a deeper kiss once his morning mouth is gone)

Courtney: You wake up to the smells of breakfast sizzling in the kitchen and instantly smile like a kid in the candy store. One day it's waffles and the next it's eggs and bacon but regardless it's mouthwatering and made with love.
"How did I get so lucky?" You often ask your beloved.
"I ask myself that every day. This is just how I try to repay you."
"For what?"
"For just being you." She smiles and you kiss her still bewildered that you were blessed with the perfect girl.

Noah: You roll over every once in a while to an empty bed. When this happens your curiosity sets in and you wrap yourself in a robe as you get up and look for your missing boyfriend. You typically find him in the kitchen making oatmeal or a yogurt bowl for you with a cup of your favorite coffee from the coffee shop down the street poured into one of your favorite novelty mugs. The best of both world he would always say. Knowing that he was trying to surprise you, you quietly run upstairs and slip back into bed. 

" already saw didn't you." He came in and stopped noticing that you were awake and your robe at the floor beside you. 

"Maybe a little... but I still appreciate the sentiment!" You rush out as you grab his hand as he places the tray on your lap and sits on his side of the bed. "I love you," You add turning your head to kiss him. 

"I love you too," He smiles taking his own coffee off of the tray and doing a 'cheers' with yours. 

Keith: You wake up first to the sound of your alarm and immediately start the pot of coffee. After getting ready, you sit on the counter and scroll through your socials for a bit before Keith finally stumbles into the kitchen. 

"Good Morning" He always manages to mutter through a yawn. "How are you always up so early?" 

"I manage to wake up with my alarm clock, an unheard of feat I know." You laugh as he walks closer to you.

"It is though, ready for work?" He laughs as he kisses you as you sit on the counter. 

"Are you?" You laugh, noticing that his shirt is misbuttoned. He curses under his breath as he fixes it and you hop off the counter grabbing the keys off their hook by the door and head out to turn the car on. 

Olivia: Neither of you are morning people so when she wakes up with the alarm and shakes you awake, its a quick kiss and a race to Starbucks to help you both be a little more sociable. 

Joven: You wake up to the sounds of soft snoring and roll over to face Joven, lightly tracing his stunningly sharp features with the tip of your finger.  You giggle as the snoring stops and he smiles and wrinkles his nose before opening his eyes. 

"Morning Sleeping Beauty" you giggle.

"Morning, well, just Beauty, I guess," he laughs deeply and half asleep. 

Mari: An alarm is nothing when you live with Mari Takahashi. Instead, you wake up to the sounds of your beautiful girlfriend singing along to her favorite songs while getting ready. You join her in the shower and, though it may add time to your routine, you drown out her singing (no pun intended) with another sound. ;) 

Sohinki: Both you and Sohinki are infamous for sleeping in too late so, by the time you wake up, it's almost time to leave. Luckily, you take showers at night so while Matt runs to shower and get ready as quickly as possible, you do your makeup and get dressed and make coffee. It's not until you're in the car when you finally say good morning to each other and he kisses you and runs his finger over your ring while he drives. 

Lasercorn: On David's weeks with Tyler, you wake up to the small boy tackling you in bed with his father sitting on the edge of the bed egging him on. 

"That's my little raptor!" He exclaims as Tyler makes raptor arms and "attacks" you again as you decide to play along and scream something along the lines of "on no my face he's eating my face" before tickling him and sitting up. Once he's busy laughing hysterically, you lean over and kiss Lasercorn and the two of you exchange good mornings.    

Wes: Not every day, but once in a while, you wake up to the smell of freshly baked cookies and laugh at your sweet-toothed sweetie.  

"Cookies, really, Wes? It's 8:30 in the morning." You laugh. As he smiles and turns around pointing his spatula at you like a knife, 

"Hey, any time is cookie time." He laughs and you join as you kiss him Goodmorning and smear some dough on his forehead. 

"Hey! Oh, now it's on" He laughs doing the same. By the time you have to leave for work the apartment is a mess and you both have to shower again, together, to save on time of course. 

Boze: Neither of you are morning people so when you wake up with the alarm and shake her awake, its a quick kiss and a race to Starbucks to help you both be a little more sociable.

Damien: Just like on your first date, even as he grows, you always wake up to the cold nose of your kitty, Wis, against yours. 

You smile and whisper "no babe, I don't wanna."

"I love babe" Damien smiles as your eyes flutter open and he leans down to kiss you. 

"I love you too,"

"That's not what I said you silly goose," He teases and you pout before he kisses you again, "but it's precisely what I meant." Damien has always been cheesy like that but you love it. 

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