The one with the make up

Start from the beginning

We were standing on opposite sides of the stage until we started unwillingly walking to meet in the middle of the stage.

Just give me a reason, just a little bit's enough, just a second we're not broken, just bent, and we can learn to love again. It's in the stars, it's still written in the scars on our hearts that we're not broken just bent and we can learn to love again

Austin and I were face to face in the silent arena.

Oh, can learn to love again,
Oh, can learn to love again,
Oh, that we're not broken just bent and we can learn to love again

I looked into Austin's eyes as the last chords rang through the room. He smiled at me as if trying to say 'we can fix this' but I shook my head at him before running past him, off the stage. I heard the sounds of cheers behind me and Austin yelling my name but I ran all the way back to my dressing room.

"Kaitlyn! Please open the door," Austin said, repeatedly hitting his hand on the door.

I paced back and forth as if not sure what to do before silently opening the door to be face to face with my most painful ex.

"What the hell!" I immediately blew up at him. "How could you do that to me? I probably looked like an idiot up there! But that's probably what you wanted, right? For me to embarrass myself because you haven't helped me enough with that!"

"Kaitlyn, please," Austin said, taking a step towards me and reaching his hands out to me.

"No! No, Austin, no! You don't get to do that! Do you even know the pain and the heartbreak that you put me through? Do you understand that for weeks I cried every night over you! T-Taylor and my-my mom listened to me every night obsess over why you broke up with me! You depleted my self-confidence and I-I can't even try to explain everything that happened!" I let everything out; every thought I've had, everything I've been wanting to say to Austin for the past month just came out.

"Kaitlyn, I-"

"No, Austin, there's nothing you can say right now to make this better," I said, walking up close to him. "I hate what you did to me." I hit his chest. "I hate how you made me feel." Another hit. "I hate the effect you had on me." At this point I wasn't even trying to hold my tears in; I just let them run down my face. "I hate the power you held over me." I punched his chest a little harder. "And I hate you. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you." I repeatedly hit his chest as the tears streamed uncontrollably down my face and my voice slowly turned to a whimper. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you."

I continually repeated those three words until Austin grabbed my hands and pulled me into his chest. I sobbed into his shirt as he rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry, Kait, I'm so sorry," he said, allowing me to soak his shirt. "Look, I know I don't deserve this; I don't deserve you. The way I distanced myself from you, how I got angry for no reason, the way I mistreated you, none of it was okay and I'm so sorry, Kait. But, if you'll have me back, I really, really want a second chance. I want to get back together. I love you, Kaitlyn, I really do, and I promise I'll do better this time and be the boyfriend you deserve because you're amazing and deserve everything in the world which is what I want to give you."

He's so sappy, but I love him. He really hurt me though.

I can't help but think about all the days I spent crying over Austin. He hurt me too much; I don't think I can forgive him that easily.

"I'm sorry Austin," I said, stepping away from him. "I can't forget what happened. I can't forget all of the hurt you gave me. It's going to take more than just a sappy speech to get me to forgive you. It's just not that easy."

And with that, I walked out of my dressing room and back to the sound booth where my mom was with Austin (my brother), Dad, and Ed.

"Kaitlyn? Honey, what happened?" Mom asked, rushing to me.

"Au-Austin an-and I, we-"

I broke into sobs as my mom pulled me into her chest.

"Shh, honey, breathe," Mom said, rubbing my back as I hiccuped.

"H-He wants to g-get back together," I said.

"No way, Kait, that's a terrible idea," Austin said, stepping forward.

"I-I know that b-but I love him," I said before breaking into another round of sobs.

"I know, hun, but he's not good for you," Mom said, lovingly.

"He broke your heart, Kait," Austin said. He placed a caring hand on my shoulder, making me pull away from my mom and look up at him. "And that's never okay for any of my sisters."

"Thanks, Aus, but I don't know what to do. It's like my heart tells me to go back to him, but my head knows that he's not good for me and that I'll end up getting hurt... again," I explained.

I've really gotten myself into quite the mess lately.

Third person POV

"Please welcome, for a special song, Austin Mahone!" Taylor announced.

What the hell? Kaitlyn thought, turning her head to the stage.

Austin walked out onto the stage and gave Taylor a hug much to the blonde's dismay. To say she hates the boy would be the understatement of the century.

"Hey guys, so I need your help," Austin said, making the crowds erupt into cheers. "So as some of you may know, I had a special connection to the little sister of your favorite artist right here. Well, I really screwed things up and I need your help winning her back now."

This did not receive the reaction he had hoped for. Instead of the cheers that we're received before, this time, the younger singer received a chorus of boos from the Fargo Swiftie population.

The change in reaction sparked something in Kaitlyn that sent her running from the sound booth to backstage.

"Oh come on guys, I really need some help. I know I did something awful, but now I need to redeem myself. So, please, I beg of you, help me," the brown-haired boy begged.

"You suck!" Someone yelled, making everyone erupt into boos again. Austin hopelessly looked at Taylor and saw the woman's face scrunch up into thought.

"Come on guys, this isn't how we should treat people," someone interjected.

All heads turned to the side of the stage and there stood Kaitlyn holding a microphone and defending her ex in front of thousands of fans.

"No matter how much I may hate Austin for what happened, no one deserves this kind of treatment. He is a human too, he makes mistakes... and he deserves forgiveness too," Kaitlyn said, staring into Austin's eyes. "So, please, give him the love and respect that he deserves."

Kaitlyn made a swift exit (ha Swift get it?) leaving everyone dumbstruck by her strong and truthful words.

"Kaitlyn!" Austin yelled, chasing after the redhead.

Kaitlyn turned around on her heal and stood face to face with the taller boy.

"So, what was your plan?" Kaitlyn asked.

"My plan? Oh! Well I was hoping that the crowd would sing a little with me," Austin said.

"Sing what?" Kaitlyn asked curiously.

Come back, come back, come back to me like you would, you would if this was a movie, I'll stand in the rain outside till you come out. Come back, come back, come back to me like you could, you could if I just said 'I'm sorry' I know that we could work this out somehow, but if this was a movie you'd be here right now

"I love you Kait," Austin said when he finished singing. "The time we spent apart has showed me how much I need you - hell - I can't live without you Kait. I'm so sorry and I will never stop apologizing to you for everything I did, but please...take me back. I know I don't deserve it, but-"

Kaitlyn cut him off by crashing her lips to his, startling him until he began to kiss her back.

"So... is that a yes?" Austin asked when they pulled away.

"Yes, of course yes," Kaitlyn smiled. "I love you so much, Austin."

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