The Master Plan

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And here comes the last chapter one day early for the ADHD happy virus who always makes me smile ;)


"Shit, Taehyung, answer me!" Jungkook hissed at his phone that still just played the torturous doot doot of a ringing phone. He was sitting on the closed toilet seat in the bathroom of his apartment and was panicking.

Jimin was sleeping in his bed, and the memories of last night tortured his mind. Of course, Jimin had wanted this, and he had wanted this, too, but it was all based on a setup of Taehyung and Namjoon and that felt like a lie, and he wanted to tell Jimin, but he did not know how, so now he was calling Taehyung at seven in the morning on a Sunday to get help for his panicking ass.

"Hm... what?" a deep grumpy voice that definitely was not Taehyung's answered the phone.

"Tae?" Jungkook asked confused.

"Who's that?" the voice asked back.

"Jungkook, who're you?"

"Yoongi, you idiot. Why're you calling this early?" the other asked and Jungkook did not know what to think anymore. He checked the number on his display, but this definitely was Taehyung's.

"This is Taehyung's phone. Can you get him for me?" he tried to overcome the weird situation.

There was some mumbling at the other end, then his friend, "Jungkookie, what's up?"

"I'll ask you about your situation later, but right now I need your help," Jungkook began. "I slept with Jimin."

Silence on the other end.

"Tae? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah. Jungkook, what the fuck? How did that happen? I mean, congrats for you getting laid, but, man! Jimin is... was a virgin. How'd you get him into bed so fast?" Taehyung rambled.

"I dunno," Jungkook whined, completely ignoring that Taehyung again knew way more than he should, "I don't care. I want to tell him, Tae. This is wrong. I tricked him into it, and I don't want this to be the start for our relationship." Shit, had he really just thought of them in a relationship?

"You're already together?" Taehyung asked just as stunned as him.

"No. I mean I don't know. Uh... fuck. The point is that this was not fair," Jungkook tried again.

"Okay, my friend. Time to reveal the whole picture to you." Something shuffled on the other end. Maybe Taehyung sat up in the bed? "The thing is: This was not about making Jimin fall for you, but about making you fall for Jimin," Taehyung explained and Jungkook almost dropped his phone. What did the redhead just say?


"Jin came to us and told us that he needed our help. He said that... how did he phrase it?" Muffled words and shuffles on the other end. "That his ears were bleeding from how often Jimin spoke your name, and it was annoying the hell out of him. So, he asked us if we could not make you fall for him because Jimin is a pussy and would never make the first move, and we said we could. The rest you already now."

Jungkook needed some seconds to process this. "But how? I mean- I..."

"This method does not work in only one direction," Taehyung said, and Jungkook could practically see the soft and loving smile on his friend's face and calmed down instantly. "We knew you had a thing for Jimin, so we agreed. And now I dare you to be the happiest and most lovey-dovey couple in the world and shut the fuck up about how you reached that goal. Go cuddle Jimin!"

And the line went dead.

Jungkook stared at his phone. What?

So, this whole dopamine, endorphin, adrenaline thing had been about him falling for Jimin? Wait! Jimin had been crushing on him? For how long? And why would Tae and Joon think that he had had a thing for Jimin? Like, everyone had a crush on him. Shit, he had slept with the sport department's crush. He-

His phone beeped with a new message.

Now that you fucked up our plan, go and make him your boyfriend! ly Tae

Jungkook stared at the text rather dumbly. He had fucked up the plan? How? By sleeping with Jimin?

Another beep.

If you don't cuddle him into the next night, Jin will kill you. P.S.: Suga says sorry for scaring you with his police act. He didn't expect you to jump the roof. (You fucking jumped the roof??!)

What the fuck! Of course, Yoongi had been the police man at the house. Jungkook should have known that this was just too much of a coincidence. Who would care for some students in an abandoned house in the middle of the night? This had been a way too perfect adrenaline kick. Damn Psycho Duo. He would-

"Jungkookie? Are you in here?" a soft voice came from outside the bathroom and made his thoughts hit a wall. Why was Jimin awake?

Gathering all the courage that was left in his system and with a racing heart and sweaty hands, he walked towards the door to open it and face his ...lover? Boyfriend?

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" he asked, voice raspy and too high from nervousness.

"Hu?" Jimin asked confused and looked up at him with drowsy eyes and messy golden hair, drowning in one of Jungkook's oversize long-shirts that covered his legs down to his knees. Shit. How could someone be this hot and cute in a plain shirt? His chest felt like he would explode from Jimin-overload.

"I love you," slipped from Jungkook's lips before he could stop himself, and he clasped a hand over his mouth.

The formerly half-lidded cacao eyes grew to the size of saucepans and the small mouth fell open.

Frantically, Jungkook searched his brain for something to say to make this less intense, but there was nothing he could say that would not hurt Jimin, so he kept his mouth shut and waited for something to happen. Anything. He would even have accepted a fat black fly zooming through the air or one of those rolling bushes from western movies crossing the corridor.

But Jimin just stared at him with those giant eyes and apparently had stopped breathing.

"Jimin? Jimin, you need to breath," Jungkook said alarmed.

And with a loud gasp, the smaller sucked in fresh air. "Shit."

Yes, shit. That summed up their situation pretty well.

"I love you too."

Now it was Jungkook who forgot to breathe.

But it was unnecessary anyways because Jimin pulled him into a breathtaking kiss that made them stumble across the tiny hallway before Jungkook slung his arms around the smaller and steadied their helpless steps. Jimin loved him too. Little, perfect, cute, talented sunshine Jimin lover him back. He grinned like an idiot when he carried the smaller back into his room and let himself fall onto the balcony bed, making the planks creak under their combined weight, and with the intention of never letting go ever.

>>The cliché End<<

Soooo... This was my little JiKook short story. How did you like it?

The dopamine formula is no invention of me, it really exists, and it in fact was the motivation for this book. I listened into a lecture of neurocognition and found it pretty funny that there was a formula for dopamine.

But however, the feeling of being in love is inducible when the basis of attraction is given, and I don't find that bad, because whether you know it or not doesn't matter. You'll do cool things with the people you're attracted to anyways, so why not spice it up with the knowledge of what you need? Every couple study will tell you that having sex regularly and going on adventurous tours keeps the relationship alive and sailing.

What do you think about that? Do you think it's interesting? Or is this maybe a completely foreign thought to you that love can be provoked by certain stimuli? (I'd like to not have a shitstorm here. Please stay calm.)

Love Formula - JikookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora