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"Adrenaline," Taehyung cheered with a boxy grin after Jungkook had told him about the training and had asked for the next step. The more the plan neared its end, the more energetic Taehyung became. "It's the penultimate step before the bird is landed safely in your bed."

Jungkook coughed out the water he had swallowed the wrong way. "Who said I want to sleep with him?" he asked a little too loud and caused several heads in the cafeteria to turn towards them. He bowed apologetically at the angriest faces (Most people visited the cafeteria on Saturdays because they wanted to study. Tae, Namjoon and he were just lazy asses who hated to cook...) and looked back at the Kim trio.

Namjoon intervened. "You don't need to sleep with him. Taehyung is talking nonsense. However, adrenaline is made from dopamine and is pumped through the system within milliseconds in case of danger. It's the run-or-fight hormone."

"You want me to scare him?" Jungkook deadpanned.

Taehyung shook his crimson head. "No, we don't want noradrenaline and cortisol, we want adrenaline. Scaring him means stress and bad hormones, but what we need is adventure and good hormones."

Jungkook looked at them helplessly. How did they expect him to do that? He was not very adventurous, not to speak of his limited ideas regarding adventurous activities. Maybe they could go for paint ball, but he did not want to risk Jimin's cut opening again. Boxing had already been difficult with that wound.

"Don't look so worried. We have a plan," Taehyung lilted and leaned closer to him over the table.

"If Jimin gets problems because of you, I'll make you suffer," Jin interrupted with a growl and Jungkook slightly hunched his shoulders at the sharp tone. What had Namjoon and Taehyung planned for them that Jin was so edged on?

Taehyung ignored the grumpy blonde. "Time to wake your artistic talents. We have to go shopping some paint," the redhead said with a satisfied smile.

And paint they bought, just not the kind Jungkook had been expecting. When the spray cans rolled over the counter, the cashier looked at them concerned, but Taehyung's posh clothes seemed to appease him with whatever he had been thinking. Probably he was right with his assumption. Taehyung wanted him to go spraying with Jimin. Tonight at that, and Jungkook wondered again whether the two had some kind of time limit to make Jimin fall for him.

"I forgot my purse," Taehyung said and shrugged his shoulders while a wide boxy smile tried to mock Jungkook. Of course, he had to pay for their plan. To expect something else would have been optimistic. But on the other hand, the spray cans would be his afterwards and he could try some things with them himself. Ruin Taehyung's Gucci bag for example.

"Give me your spare key," the psychology student demanded when they arrived at Jungkook's to pack a bag with the cans.

"Why do you need my key?" he asked his friend, feeling that something was fishy about this.

"While you two lovebirds are out, Jin and I will prep your room for the time you come back," the other said like it was nothing Jungkook needed to be worried about. They would play his room service and prep some things for the time the lovey-dovey couple comes back to the room to relax. Lovebirds, my ass. Jungkook would not give Taehyung his keys without knowing what they were up to.

"Tell me what exactly you want to do," he demanded and straightened his back to look more intimidating.

Taehyung looked as unbothered as always. "We'll place the bed in a different place and prep some fruits and water," he explained to Jungkook and looked innocent. Well, as innocent as someone with bright red hair and a I-don't-know-what-you-think-of-me-I'm-a-reliable-person look on the face.

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