''I...What?'' I asked her shocked, not knowing what to say. She let out a little laugh and that made me smile. Her laugh was so beautiful. It calmed me down a little bit.

The White Wolf of The Four Elements....wow.

''No need to fear my child. You will have to learn how to control your new powers but I know it won't be a problem if you have your friends and family by your side which I know you will.'' She said warmly, '' And I will be by your side as well, guiding you in the right direction.''

''Thank you mother.'' I said and bowed down with my hand over my heart.

''Thank your mate as well.'' She started again and I looked up at her confused, ''If it wasn't of him then you would have lost. He saved you.''

''He did?'' I asked her shocked and she gave me a warm smile, ''How?''

''You are not the only one with powers.'' She said with a smirk. And like a rock the thought came into my mind. He has the powers to move objects and people. He was the one who was pushing me when I needed to get to the water! My mate saved me!

''Before you go,'' she started and I looked up at her still smiling from the realization, ''Don't hide. Help my children. They need you.'' I nodded and she gave me a smile. I smiled back at her, ''Now go my child. They are looking for you.''


I opened my eyes when I felt someone move my arms. I looked around and realized that I was in the water. How did I get here?

And then again someone moved my arm and I looked at that person moving my arm. But it wasn't a person. It was Bubbles!

I smiled when I saw him. I haven't seen him for so long!

He made his dolphin sound and circled around me for a few times which made me laugh.

''Hey buddy, long time no see huh?'' I said and laughed when he did a flip, ''You want to play a game?''

I asked him but he shook his little dolphin head. I looked at him confused. He always wanted to play games.

''Is everything okay?'' I asked him again and like before he shook his head, ''What's wrong buddy?''

He swam towards my mark and pointed at it. I looked down and gasped. It has changed. It now was a circle with the four elements in it. Fire, water, earth and wind.

But that wasn't the thing that shocked me. It was bleeding. Derek must have hit it.

''But if someone does something to your mark then you will lose your powers. You need to protect the mark, because without it, it would be just like without your wolf, but more hurtful.''

Amos said it would hurt... but I don't feel anything and I still have my powers. Then what's wrong with it?

''Derek.'' I said but I saw Bubbles shaking his head, ''It wasn't Derek? Then who was it?'' I asked him but he just looked at me not able to talk. He looked down at the mark and then up me, ''I did it?'' I asked him and he nodded. But how? I would never do anything to hurt it.

And then it hit me. It wasn't me. It was itself. It changed forms and because of that it started to bleed.

I looked at Bubbled and smiled while nodding, ''I understand.''

Bubbles did another flip and then started to push me. I looked at him confused.

''Now you want me to play a game with you?'' and like before he shook his head. He is being so confusing today.

''You want me to go...Home! Oh my God! I need to get to my pack! My friends and my family! My Mate! Oh my god! I need to go!'' I said realizing what I forgot.

I waved goodbye to Bubbles and quickly swam towards the shore, towards my pack.

When I got there I quickly ran out of the water while drying my clothes with my fire powers. I ran inside the forest and towards the pack house. I ran past trees and animals trying to get to the pack house as fast as I could. And after just a few minutes, I finally reached it. I smiled and quickly ran inside but stopped when I got inside.

There was no one here. The house was empty.

Where is everybody?

I ran around the house trying to find somebody but there was no one. Their scents were still here but no one to be seen.

I ran outside and looked at the backyard but like the house it was empty. I looked around confused.

I went back in the house really confused and worried. Where are they?

''Luna?'' I heard a small voice whisper. I turned around and saw a little boy standing there. I think his name was Jered, ''You are back."

''Yes I am.'' I said with a smile and kneeled down so I was face to face with Jered, ''Hey, can you tell me where everyone is?''

''Mommy told me to stay here while she went to go find the Luna.'' Jered answered me. They are looking for me?

''Thank you Jered. Go back to your room. Your mommy will be here soon.'' I told him and he nodded with a smile. I waited until he was back in his room and then ran out of the house.

If they are looking for me that means that they should be somewhere out in the woods...

I ran inside the woods and started to look for my pack mates. And not even a second later I heard someone shout.

''Laura!'' Emma and Molly shouted and I turned around. I smiled and ran towards them.

When we reached each other, we pulled each other in our arms, ''We found you! You are safe!'' Emma cried out.

''Yes I am fine. Are you both okay?'' I asked her when I pulled away so I could see their faces. Tears started to run down my cheeks when I looked in their eyes.

''Yes! We are fine now that we have found you! Are you okay?'' Molly asked me whipping her tears away.

''Yes, I am fine.'' I said with a laugh, ''Where are the others?''

''We all are looking for you.'' Emma explained, ''I was with the others at the safe place when they came home looking for you. They said you just disappeared. And we have been looking for you for hours!''

''Hours?'' I asked her shocked.

''Yes, seven hours!'' she said and I gasped. That long? ''Where were you?''

''I was with The Moon Goddess.'' I said. And before she could answer someone shouted my name.

''Luna!'' Carter yelled running towards us. I smiled when I saw that he wasn't hurt from the war, ''Are you okay?''

''Yes I am fine.'' I said and he let out a breath when he reached us.

''I mind linked the others and they are coming here right now.'' and just when he finished the sentence, there was a loud howl to my left.

I smiled when I heard it.

My mate is coming.

One by one my pack mates ran to the field that we were in. When they saw me they let out a breath. I gave them a small smile. They all asked me if I was okay and where I was but before I could answer I felt my mate.

I turned around and there he was, running in his black shorts towards me. I smiled when I saw him and ran towards him. When he reach me he immediately pulled me in his arms and put his head in my neck. I pulled him as close as I could and again started to cry.

I was happy.

I was finally in my mates arms. He was safe.

We were safe.

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