Chapter 42

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Ross pov.

She ran away.

I knew that she ran after Derek. She ran there to fight with him. I wanted to stop her but I couldn't and she knew it. Like she said, I needed to protect the pack. I needed to show them that I was fighting with them. That I wouldn't abandon them. That their Alpha wouldn't abandon them. That I was alive and fighting with them.

But all I could think about was Laura. Was she okay? Was he hurting her?

I wanted to see her. I needed to see her. I had to know that she was okay. That she was alive and breathing. But I had to stay...

Before she blocked me out I felt like she was saying goodbye. Like she knew that we wouldn't see each other again. But I promised myself that we will. I will see her again. She will see me. We will be okay and in each other's arms.

That thought made me fight harder and faster. I needed to fight more so I could get to her. I needed to kill all of these rogues so I would see her again.

I growled and ran to another rogue after killing this rogue. I was killing them one by one. My wolf growled and wanted to take control but I didn't let him. He would run after Laura and wouldn't give me back control. But I needed to kill these bastards before I do that.

I saw James under a rogue struggling to kill him so I ran and pushed the rogue off of him and bit his neck killing the rogue.

''Where is Laura?'' James asked me.

''With Derek.'' I answered him while I killed another rogue. How many where there?

''What?'' he growled, ''Alone?''

''Yes.'' I said and growled not liking that thought either. I jumped on another rogue and wrestled with him before killing him, ''We need to kill these rogues so we can go help her.'' I said with a growl.

James growled and nodded. He jumped on a rogue who was attacking a pack member and killed him.

I looked around and saw that we were winning. There were only few more rogue left. Some were running away because they knew that they would be killed but before they could my pack members jumped on them and killed them.

I continued to fight and killed another ten rogues. I saw another rogue and jumped on him. He growled at me and ran towards me. He managed to bite my leg and I growled. He ran towards me again and aimed at my other leg but before he could I jumped over him and he landed in the dirt. I jumped on him and bit his stomach. He growled at me and tried to get away but he couldn't. I pushed my teeth further in and he howled. He scratched my face and I growled. I let him go but before he could run away I bit in his neck and killed him. Stupid rogue thought that he could win.

I looked around. There was no one left. We won. The rogues were dead.

I howled. My pack members also howled with me. That was a signal to everyone else to say that we won and to challenge anyone else that wanted to fight with us.

When no one challenged us my pack members smiled. They run towards each other happily. But I stayed put. I tried to find Laura's scent but I couldn't. Her scent wasn't here. I howled to silence everyone.

''Your Luna is still fighting.'' I growled in the pack mind link and they stopped cheering and growled. ''I can't find her scent. Look for her in groups! When you find her immediately mind link me!'' I growled again in my Alphas voice and they nodded. They ran away in different directions looking for their Luna.

I saw James nod at me and he ran away with a group of pack members.

''She is going to be fine.'' he mind linked me. I hope he is right.

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