Chapter 21

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Laura pov.

I woke up after a beautiful sleep. I looked at Ross and his head was in my hair, his arms around me and his legs tangled with mine. I smiled up at him and put my hand on his cheek. I stroked my thumb under his eyes.

I felt him lean closer to my hand. I smiled and kept on stroking his cheek.

''This is how I want to wake up every morning.'' Ross whispered but kept his eyes closed just feeling my hand on his cheek.

Ross pulled me closer and snuggled his head deeper in my hair.

''Why don't we?'' I asked and pulled my hand away from his cheek but he stopped me.

''No leave it there. I like it.'' He whispered with his deep morning voice.

''What are we going to do today?'' I asked him.

''Let's make this our day.'' He said.

''What?'' I asked him.

''Today is going to be our day. Let's stay in bed for few hours and watch some movies. After that let's go on a date.'' Ross said and pulled me closer again.

''What about breakfast?'' I asked him and pulled my hand away from his cheek but put it on his chest.

''I'll ask somebody to bring us breakfast'' he said and opened his eyes. I looked at his eyes and smiled. He smiled down at me and kissed me. This kiss was sweet and slow, not like other kisses we had.

''No I don't want anybody to serve us. I will go get the food'' I said and was about to get up but Ross pulled me back.

''No, I'm going ask somebody to bring us food. This is our day. Let's just relax.'' He said.

''But Ross you now that I don't like people serving us'' I said.

''I know but only today.'' He whispered and started to kiss my neck.

''I fell like a bitch asking people to do things that I can do.'' I whispered trying not to moan.

''You are not a bitch'' Ross whispered and continued to kiss my neck, ''The pack is honored to help the Luna''

''But not serving her'' I said and was about to pull away but Ross again stopped me before I could.

''They are honored with helping the Luna anyway they can.'' he said and pulled his head up so he was looking in my eyes.

''But...'' I said and Ross glared at me, ''Fine''

He smiled at me and leaned down to kiss my neck again. This time I couldn't keep the moans in.


Just like Ross said, after few minutes a girl younger that me walked in and brought us our breakfast. I apologized to the girl for doing this, but she said that it's okay. She said that she was happy that she could help the Luna and Alpha some way.

When she walked out Ross smirked and said that he was right about what he said. I just growled at him and he laughed.

We ate our breakfast and watched some movies. The whole time Ross was holding me close to him. He wasn't even watching the movies. He was just looking at me the whole time.

In the second movie the boy apologized at the girl for what he did and the girl forgave him. They started to kiss and because they were alone at her house, they went inside and started to make out. When Ross heard the moans of the girl he got hard and started to kiss me with so much power.

After making out with Ross I got up and walked to my closet to get dressed. I put on some blue jeans and a yellow top. I brushed my hair and put it up in a bun. Next I put on a little bit of make-up and then walked out.

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