Chapter 34

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Laura pov.

''Hey guys have you finished with the papers?'' James asked when he and Aiden walked in the office.

''Does it look like it?'' Ross mumbled. I rolled my eyes at him and looked at James and Aiden.

''We're getting there. We would be already done if-'' I looked towards smirking Ross, ''Your Alpha here would have not wasted our time.''

''Excuse me! It was not waste of time!'' Ross said smirking. If it would be possible his smirk grew bigger, ''In fact you were the one saying 'Don't stop! Don't stop!' ''

I looked down with a blush while Ross just laughed. Aiden cleared his throat and we looked at him.

''Can we please change the subject?'' he asked and I immediately nodded which made Ross laugh even more.

''What did you guys want anyway?'' Ross asked them.

''We came here to talk to you about the packs safety.'' James said and sat down next to me, while Aiden continued to stand.

''Yeah we need to think of the security around the land. People are scared for their families. Their scared that something will happen to them.'' Aiden said and James nodded.

''I know.'' Ross started, ''My dad told me. I also felt fear in the packs link.''

''We need think of a plan.'' I said, ''We need to double up the security around the land and the border. Also you need to train the packs worriers.''

''We're already training them.'' Ross answered.

''I know. But you need to start to train them more. Derek is going to send more powerful rogues to us as the time comes closer to the war.'' I said and James nodded.

''She's right. Derek wants us to be weaker so he would win. He will sent more rogues. We need to keep our worriers in shape.'' James said.

''I also got to ask.'' I said to Ross, ''Do you let females fight?''

''No, the only ones who fight in our pack are the men.'' Ross said.

''Well you need to let the girls fight as well.'' I said.

''Girls don't know how to fight. They not as strong or fast as men.'' Ross said. I growled at him.

''That's because you don't let us train! Females are strong! Were the same as men! Just because we are smaller and not as strong as men doesn't mean we are weak! We are smarter then you guys!'' I said to him, growling.

''Females aren't meant to fight in wars!'' Ross growled back.

''And who told you that? Your best friend the pillow?!'' I asked/yelled at him. Next to me James and Aiden chuckled, '' Females have fought in wars for years! Have you ever thought that some girls are just like boys? That some of us like to fight? And not make food or clean the house!''

''She's right man.'' James said next to me. Ross turned his head and glared at James. James gulped and looked at me for help. The look on Ross's face would scare anyone away.

''Let the women decide if they want to fight or not. Those who want, let them train, but those who don't, let them do what they do now.'' I said glaring right back at Ross.

Ross kept glaring at me, but didn't say anything. I know he was thinking of something to say back so the girls wouldn't fight.

''Ross listen to Laura. She's right. Let the girls fight.'' James said and Aiden nodded. But still Ross didn't say anything.

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