James fucking Mcvey.

"Morning babe" He said in his husky morning voice.

My heart done back flips when my bare body was pressed against his.

I noticed a huge love bite laying on the side of his neck. I hand ran up to my neck and grazed across many lumps on my soft skin.

"M-morning" My voice shook.

"You coming to my concert today?" He smiled "Don't worry your precious 5SOS will be there" He grinned.

"I thought they were your friends?" I cluelessly asked.

"Yeah we are. I just knew if they weren't to be there then you wouldn't come" He laughed.

"I have to see my mum then i'll see you there" I smiled.

He placed a kiss on my forehead and moved out of bed to place some boxers on.

From behind you could see his back muscles popping out as he flexed over picking up knocked over things. He turned around and I saw his toned tanned chest.

"Stop staring" He winked 

"I wasn't...Your body is gross" I lied. 

"You wasn't saying that when your hands were all overit last night" He smirked licking his lips.

"Shut up" I laughed,rolling my eyes at him.

He threw my a pair of his jeans and a old top so I could put them on. Luckily me and James are more or less the same size in clothing. I slipped the long sleeved top over my head and the remaining scent filling my nose, I pulled the jeans up my leg but falling over while doing so earing a laugh from James.

"Go away Luk-James" I corrected myself. He rolled his eyes ignoring my mistake.

I sprayed some of James' spray on me and picked my bag up throwing my clothes in. I looked at my phone and I had many notifcations.

The texts were.

Mum-Come round at 3pm xx

Shit its 3pm now...Fuck.

Luke- Where are you?

Ash- Where did you head off to? We are at your mum waiting for you x

I threw my new phone in my bag and ran my fingers through my hair in a attempt to brush it.

"Oh hello" A annoying fimilar voice spoke.

"What" I snapped.

"Jeez just saying hello" Brad rolled his eyes "What are you doing here anyway? Old times with James?" He smirked and I groaned.

"No" I lied.

"Nice neck and clothes" He laughed before walking into the bathroom.

I walked through the hall and into the kitchen where everyone else was.

They all looked at me confused. Trust me i'm also confused.

James walked over and grabbed my waist soon connecting our lips.

His soft lips brushing mine and the minty breathe fanning my face.

"I have to go..I'll see you tonight though" I smiled pulling out of his grasp.

"First act is on at 6pm and I would like to see you for a bit before I go on" He said taking a sip of his protein shake that he always drinks "Maybe you could give me a good luck present" He smirked licking his lips.

"Maybe" I whispered and walked out of the door. I noticed that I was at the bottom of the road that my mum lives on.

I walked up the path doing my make up as I got closer to the house.

I'm 100% sure I look like the joker. 

I pulled my hair into a pony tail and threw 3 mints in my mouth to get rid of the alcohol that was still on my breathe slightly.

I got to the door and knocked a few times.

My mum answered smiling then furrowing her eyebrows as she looked at my outfit.

"New style choice?" She raised a eyebrow.

"I stayed at a friends last night. Her clothes wouldn't fit me since she is shorter so I borrowed her brothers" I lied. 

I'm actually a decent liar. I guess you kind of have to when you need to lie about who's drugs these are and worst of all the 'Are you okay?' questions.

"Where all in the kitchen. I made tea. I have big news" She smiled and I followed her into the kitchen.

Soon as I stepped in all the boys where there and theres eyes locked onto me. They all looked tired.

Michael looked hungover as fuck.

I let out a breathe picking up a cup of tea and stole a few chocolate biscuits waiting for my mum to speak.

I was nervous to hear what she had to say.


Quite nervous.



Ooooooooo dayummm James and Cara ;)

What do you think the news is. Loooool

Who do you ship...

Jara?= James + Cara.

Hara?= Harry + Cara.



Lara?= Luke+Cara.

Lemmie know ;)




Follow my ig- t0xifeels

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