Chapter 21 - The Talk With My Conscience.

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Oh, it's all boring today, no one is available. Niall is gone for work. Zaynie started working again yeah Harry didn't agreed first and they had a fight yesterday but then Haz agreed not before giving a huuuugggggeeee ass lecture to Zayn about do's and don't. Aww they are so cute.

{A/N :- (Bold Letters - Inner Thoughts (Conscience))}

"Bitch you could be this cute but you have a filthy fat ass".

God again my inner self is rubbing it all in my face.

Why can't i. I wanna die just by your thinkings asshole.

Oh yeah how i wish it would be true i mean i won't be hearing more of you smartass.

Anyways..they truly are cute. I mean haz care for Zayn. They way he treats Z it all says how much he care. I have seen him in miserable conditions. When Zayn was taken away by Liam..haz was broken he didn't ate, he didn't sleep well just walking like a corpse. I mean how could he be like that. I have never seen someone so caring at least not for Zayn. No one was beside him he have gone through all those bullshits by himself and for that i have so much respect for Z.

And i don't fucking have any god damn respect for you.

Well. I didn't asked for you you useless jerk.

About my life. I think I'm living one of the best.

Yeah probably by talking shits.

Will you fucking shutup.
So as i was saying my life is going all happy and healthy. I never thought i would be able to trust someone again. First time of my life i trusted a wrong person i shouldn't have. Z was warning me continuously but i was blind in that so called love i never saw the reality. I use to cry a months ago just by remembering all those memories but as Niall came into my life i stopped. My world revolves around Niall. I can't imagine my life anywhere else where he isn't. I won't be able to live. I've gotten use to him being around.

Well you should die i guess it would be much better rather than making someone's life miserable bitch.

It was school days. Everyone was happy to again be there where they wanted to play, bully, get laid and etc. And for me it was all usual. I wasn't excited it was nothing important for me just a boring day. Everyday i don't want to be here but i go just to see my long term boyfriend Jayden. We've been together for now what 4 years. And this 4 years I've never been sad all happy and mischievous.

I got ready and Zayn was waiting outside for me in his car. I quickly sprinted downstairs and put my shoes and locked the door.

"Hey Zaynie babe" i smiled seeing hia face. No matter what he always reminds me without him I'm nothing. And i love him he is my bestest friend.

"Hey boobear. Ready to kick some ass". I laughed. He is always like this always talked nonsense. This weird guy.

"Yeah sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night babe". We both laughed. Because he knows I'm not at all social person to be with but he still sticks with me.

We drove away till we entered the gate of the school. He quickly parked the car and we got out. There were so many students on the gate chatting and laughing. Some where playing like literally chasing each other for god knows what. I started searching throughout the scattered crowds just for a familiar face but it was no where to be seen. He came early i got a message from him saying he would go early he have some work. So me and Zayn started searching for him because i missed he was out of town this month for some family gathering so i didn't see him a whole month and i really miss him.

We were searching for him this past half hours but didn't saw him anywhere. So we decided to just go for the classes as we were getting late and no one likes to get late on the very first day not if done purposely. As we were going through the almost empty hallway we started hearing moans and groans from a classroom that was i guess empty. As naughty as Zayn is he decided to peek in and scare the shit out of who ever was in there.

He slowly without making noise started opening door and was about to shout a BOO but the words died on his tongue as he saw who was in and i...i was frozen...couldn't move i couldn't believe what i was seeing. And there was a naked Jayden and an unknow guy on the floor. FUCKING NAKED BOTH ARE NAKED..and there the tears came making my vision blur. HE CHEATED.

Yup because no one can bare you.. you scumbag.

"No lou it's not what it looks like. He forced me to it lou please listen t-"

I slapped him..i could not stand there and here his pathetic could someone force him to do that and it looks like he was enjoying it and here he is lying in my face.

"Save it. We're over jayden. We're over. Never show me your fucking face or i will kill you" i ran out of the class..Z ran after me i could hear his footsteps. I cried in his arms and he said nothing but sweet and calming talks. I was glad he was with me in all this mess.

After that Jayden tried to call,text,meet anything he could but Z made sure he wasn't near me and i think it was right i couldn't face him not anymore.


I don't wanna think about those and wanna live my life happily once again with Niall. He is a blessing. I'm so never been this content in my life but now i am.

Daily updates oh yeah another one here we go..Enjoyy..🔥❤

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