4. "Lets get to business"

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A/N: hey y'all wus good..? Y'all miss me🙈👀 anyways i took some time off and hit writers block but i manned tf up and wrote this with no sleep 😔 cuz i love y'all 🤪

but N E WAYSSS comment what y'all had for breakfast? I'm tryna see sum👀

Hope you enjoy and have a good day💕


lingering off his words i was so shook i couldn't even move. Just thinking about him had that effect on me but I'd just seen him in person so it was so much more surreal.

Taymor was my everything- he still is, but he's too problematic and stuck in his ways. Knowing how he is, to better myself i had to leave the nigga.

"Nuhmiere...NUHMIERE!!" Malu yells slapping tf outta Me👋🏼

"Huh..what!" i say glancing back at her rubbing my left cheek as it stung of Musical.ly hands.

"Neega you were staring for along time, cmon letss getout off here." She says standing up from behind the truck fixing her romper as it began to wrinkle from squatting behind the truck.

I looked at my phone realizing we had to go immediately or else we'd be late for the event and I've been on Mariah's good side as of late so I'm not gonna risk it. I thought to myself while finishing the screws on the tire.

We got in the truck and just drove. I was too deep in my own thoughts to even register what small talk Malu was trying to engage in nor did i care to.

How and why was taymor here? Last time i checked his ass was from the south side of the state. Was it intentional? Did he seek me out?

After thirty minutes of driving we'd finally made it to the club and pulled through the back entrance.

I'd called the clubs lifting men to come and load the champagne glass through the back door making sure i put an emphasis on 'fragile' just for precaution.

Walking through the back to the front me and Malu had parted ways. I guess we both had mutually agreed that we were done for the day and for once we were on the same page.😅🤗

Walking upstairs i found Mariah sitting with an old white nigga, who i assumed is one of the higher ups attending the club tonight.

I walked through the budging crowd and greeted her. Making sure to put on my white voice. I only did that around company though. It was one of the criteria's for me working there.

Due to white people thinking my dreads are "ghetto" i had to completely change my presence around them.

If not anything else Mariah is a smart business woman so i made sure to take her advice seriously. 🙎🏽‍♂️—>🙎🏼‍♂️

After faking a long ass conversation with that stranger i told Mariah i suddenly wasn't feeling well and she let me go home.

Since my mom was most likely sleeping 🙄 i decided not wake her and ride...the bus🤢

I got on the 17 and got home like an hour later.
Plopping down on my bed i quickly got up and remembered i needed to change the sheets.

I replaced my Spider-Man covers for plain black ones and laid down awake thinking about taymor.


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