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 51,614 Words as of chapter ThirtyFour

2:45 pm KST

I woke up slowly, unlike before when the nurses came in and was greeted by an empty hospital room. It was still the same day from when I was awake last but everything felt completely different than in Odea. When Atlas was talking to Beth's daughter, I had heard the girl's response which was far from normal. What did she mean by she was no one in particular? A bright yellow folder sitting on my bed caught my attention. I reached out to grab it, only to realize that it was the case file I had previously reviewed. The only thing that was on my mind at that point, was the mother. How she must have felt when her child was ripped from her grasp.

"We have to return that kid to his mother" My fists clenched with frustration at everything. Life in particular seemed to be getting on my nerves. A knock on my door threw me out of my angry day dream.

"Come in" I said loud enough to be heard. Jungkook and Taehyung came in, holding hands while looking at me with smiles on their faces.

"Hyung guess what." Tae jumped onto my bed, shaking my legs as if I wasn't already paying attention.

"They're letting you go now!" Jungkook finished for him as he held up a bag I hadn't seen before. I assumed it was my clothes and phone and took it. 

Suddenly, the pictures I took in Odea crossed my mind, fishing my phone from the bag, I unlocked it and tapped on the gallery. Just as I had remembered, the forest was there and you could see Atlas' antlers. With a smile, I tucked my phone back into the bag and stood up carefully. Taehyung helped me over to the bathroom so I could change.

When I came back out, they were both staring in awe at my necklace. The glow I had seen when I was touching it subsided and the crystal's hue faded. 

"What is this?" Jungkook held it up to my face while questioning me. Racking my brain for an answer, I snatched it's cord so I wouldn't light up the stone, then dropped it into the pocket of my leather jacket. The two boys were confused but, thankfully for me, they let it go. I sat on the edge of the bed and glanced over at the file, then up at the ceiling.

"So, why are they discharging me so early, I have like three or four days left?" 

"Jimin hyung and I pulled some strings with the head doctors" Tae smirked, causing Jungkook to frown at him.

"What did he do?" I asked Jungkook carefully,

"He flirted with the female staff" Crossing his arms, Jungkook glared furiously at the brown haired man. Taehyung smiled nervously and backed away,

"Listen Kookie-"

"Oh don't you Kookie me, you cheating son of a-"

"Jungkook." I warned with a stern tone, he mumbled something unintelligible.

"So what are we gonna do now that you've been released hyung?" Taehyung expertly changed the subject, which I had to think about.

"We obviously need a plan to save that kid, but we need information on the Silencer's base. Maybe since their leader is here, other gang members are also?" I lowered my voice, directing my gaze sharply to the open door. Both boys nodded in agreement.

"Maybe we should sneak in here and try to get information out of someone." Jungkook replied, also glancing over at the door.

"What if we do it now? I mean, we haven't left yet and if Jungkook or I can find out where maybe the janitor's closet is or the bathroom, somewhere without cameras, we can kidnap someone and pry them for info." Tae replied with a dark look on his face. I nodded, smirking.

"Perfect. Jungkook, you and I will wait here, Tae, go out and act like you are searching for someplace, you are an actor so you should be able to do this. Maybe if you have someone lead you to the toilets and then pull them in? You'll figure something out. Text Jungkook when you've secured the location and we'll come to you. Got it?" He nodded and stood up, putting on his blank face. It caught me off guard for a moment, as I hadn't seen that face in awhile. 

"I'll see you in a few minutes then?" He asked at the door just before leaving. We both smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

"We'll be there soon hyung. We love you" Jungkook made a finger heart and Taehyung slipped from the room. Jungkook lied down on the bed, playing with his hands nervously. I patted his hair, soothing him from his worries. He smiled at me and closed his eyes, humming a familiar song I didn't know he remembered.

(Spring day)

A soft smile reached my lips, but as Jungkook finished the song, I felt a sinking feeling of dread. 

More than enough minutes have passed. He should've texted Jungkook by now...It's probably just taking longer than expected, right?

I refused to let myself worry, but as I looked over to the clock on the night stand, I realized with a jolt that half an hour had passed. Jungkook had dozed off, I shook him awake and pointed to the clock, his eyes widened and he tried to call Taehyung. He put it on speaker.

"I'm sorry, but it looks like the number you called isn't available right now, if you would-" Jungkook dropped his phone, he looked to me with the same look he had on the night he fell. Fear shook my body, and suddenly the room was very cold. I stood up abruptly, the raven haired boy coming with me. A tear slipped down his cheek,

"Hyung." I turned to him slowly.

"We have to find him." I nodded and we both broke off in a run towards the door. We came to a fork in the hallway. I chose the darker hallway, hoping that nothing would happen to the young boy standing next to me. He nodded and went down the other. 


I had spent what felt like hours searching for Taehyung, the hospital appeared like it was never ending. Tears began to stream down my face as I slowed to a stop, turning in confusion at the identical hallways I had ventured down. 

A phone I hadn't noticed before was smashed and was in pieces beside my foot. I recognized it as Taehyung's and followed that path, hoping he was somewhere down the hall. I reached a door with light coming out from under the crack. I tried the knob and opened it slightly, but was met with a pair of hands and a cloth. I was filled terror as my eyes were covered and I was thrown to the ground. Someone jumped on my back, knocking the wind out of me. I cried out trying to throw them off, but something cut into my wrists. A cloth was pressed over my mouth and nose, I knew what was about to happen but I tried fighting it anyways. Soon I had to take a breath, my assailant's words were the only thing I could remember.

"Nocte Nocte, paulo principe (Night Night, little prince)"

Ad continuandos, (To be continued)


That's it! As this is the final chapter, I'm going to take a short break, but please wait! After this I shall be writing the prequel

  Wonder; Euphoria 起  

Auf Wiedersehen :)

Her; Serendipity 承Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat