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48,751 Words as of chapter ThirtyThree

"Can we come up with a mission name?" We all laughed even harder at how adorable Jimin was, Yoongi whispered something to Jimin that made him stand up abruptly and sit next to Namjoon on the love seat.

"Yes we can come up with a mission name Jiminie" I giggled and started coming up with ideas,

"How about the sun mission?" Hoseok suggested, we all shook our heads.

"The mission of darkness and lost souls" Jungkook replied with an evil grin. I made a face and asked for more suggestions.

"How about something like the military uses? Like Operation Alpha and then we could have sub-units and stuff" Yoongi questioned. Namjoon snapped his fingers,

"Perfect! Operation Alpha it is! Any objections?" We all shook our heads,

"Alright lets make sub units then. How about couples units?" Hoseok snorted 

"Then I would be alone!" I covered my mouth with my hand while I laughed. I could see Jimin trying to hold it in out of the corner of my eye.

"What if Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung both lead teams?" Jungkook suggested. We agreed while I decide who was on what team.

"Alright, on mine I could put the three youngest and Namjoon could take Hoseok and Yoongi?" The pink haired man agreed and took his team to the opposite end of the room while I called over the younger ones,

"This seems stupid hyung" Jungkook complained which made me scowl.

"Sshh and lets come up with a team name!" 

"The bottoms" Jimin stated.

"That doesn't work because Jungkook is here" I sighed and crossed my arms. Jungkook's face turned red

"H-How do you know that I top?" He asked nervously and I just looked at him.


"Okay fine..." Jimin and I laughed at the bashful couple. I looked over at Namjoon talking to Hoseok and Yoongi, he looked beautiful. I stared longer than I should have because Jungkook punched my arm.

"We obviously know who tops with you two" Jimin teased, Jungkook smirked before starting to talk,

"One time, I saw them in the kitch-" I slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Shut up. Just. Don't talk" I closed my eyes making the other three laugh.

"Seriously. We need to come up with a name!" Tae brought us back down to earth as we brainstormed. I was left with nothing and called out to Namjoon,

"Hey did you guys figure out anything? We don't have any ideas." He brought the other two over and we all came back together as a group,

"Not really. We were thinking about Greek letters, or maybe numbers in Japanese?" 

"I like the numbers better, how about just one and two?" Hoseok added,

"Namjoon, do you guys want to be one?" I suggested,

"Sure, that will make us team Ichi then" He stated,

"I guess we'll be team Ni?"  

After discussing our team and the case, the others decided to leave me to my own devices. I had almost forgotten about Tumul and Atlas for a moment, the world just seemed so far away. Like a fairy tale. I slipped my necklace back on, when it came into contact with my bare chest it began to glow like it had the last time. As I began to fall away from consciousness, my responsibilities and worries ceased to exist.


*30 minutes ago*

Atlas yawned and lowered himself onto a rock, waiting for the young prince to return so they could continue their extensive escapade. Currently, the white haired man was trying to catch a few moments of sleep before seeing Jin again. It wasn't that he disliked the young man (he wasn't spiritually capable of disliking him) Jin was just...a lot. By no means did he have an off putting personality, he just asked a lot of questions that Atlas couldn't exactly answer. Questions that had the equivalent thoughtfulness to "what is the meaning of life?"  

He had just fallen asleep when he heard a poof from beside him and looked over to see Jin sitting beside him, a smile on his face.

"Hello again Atlas, I'm sorry I took awhile, I had to do something for my job" This intrigued the familiar greatly, he sat up and stared at Jin expectantly,

"You look like a puppy right now" The black haired male laughed and ruffled Atlas' hair.

"Where do you work?" 

"I own a private investigator business with my boyfriend, Namjoon. I told you about him and it turns out he wasn't mad at me" Atlas smiled warmly at Jin and patted his head,

"That's good, we can't have our prince being upset. Oh! We are almost to the top of the mountain, when we reach the top it turns into a tundra and it'll be a little while before we reach civilization. The witch clans or tribes like to keep their location somewhat secret. I'll let you ride on my back then" Jin nodded and the two men stood, hiking up the unforgiving mountain again. Back when they were still in Eherus, Jin noticed that he didn't need to eat or drink anything but he saw people selling food in the market square.

"Do people have to eat here?" The white haired man turned around briefly at the random question,

"Ehm it depends on what species you are, I would assume you don't have to though. You are kind of like a....how do you say it in your language...a clone?" Jin nodded to show that he understood,

"Putting it simply, your form here is immortal but you are still human...well not really but for now we'll say you are" Atlas carefully said this, hoping that Jin wouldn't notice the last part, which he did.

"What do you mean by we'll say I'm human?" He gasped while jumping over a few rocks,

"I suggest that you talk to her highness, Queen Tuwa, she'll be able to explain more. I'm actually not sure if I can be telling you this" He laughed and picked up some snow on the side of the trail, molding it into a snowball infusing magic into it. The little snow ball began to glow a soft blue and turn into a snow fox. Its crystallized fur shown brightly in the sunlight. The fox jumped up onto Atlas' shoulder and licked his ear with its pink tongue. The white haired man seemed to fit in with every place they've been so far, Jin envied him for that. A place to truly belong. It seemed that recently, Jin hadn't been letting his mind wander like he used to, so he took the time as they were hiking to think. 

He hadn't realized how weird that being teleported to a different world everytime he slept would end up becoming a normal everyday thing for him. It simply just wasn't logical that it was real. Jin knew in his heart that it was though, the necklace and pictures on his phone had come with him after all, not to mention the double time on his lock screen. Through all of this though, Jin felt like he didn't really exist on either world, being this alone, was starting to take an effect on him. But there was no way in hell that Jin would let anyone know that he was hurting. He just... couldn't let them down again.


I'm not so sure about this chapter to be completely honest with you, I know I could do better. But anyways, please continue to read this story!



Words: 1263

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