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42,927 words as of chapter TwentyEight

A hand was placed over his eyes without him noticing. He whipped around, ready to fight the assailant only to find that it was the vampire boy from before. The man smiled at Jin and plopped down in the grass beside him.

"What are you doing here?" That made him laugh and he made a witty comeback.

"What am I doing here? Why I live here of course human boy!" Jin frowned,

"Yea I know, but why did you come to talk to me?"  

"If you really must know, I've come to send you home, the queens sensed your presence and since they can't come to help you get back home yourself, they asked me to" Jin sighed and stood up,

"Well...send me home then..." He sighed and looked down at the crystal, wondering if what the old woman said was true. Blue's face turned sour as he stood up.

"I'm sorry....That you have a human disease, it must be pretty tough." His tone turned serious, Jin smiled sadly,

"Its alright though, nothing bad like that lasts forever. The way I see it is, if mortals are fated to die anyways, then what's the point in being sad about it? I just hope I'll end up in a better place than earth."

"That place exists you know. I've seen it. So don't worry okay?" Blue smiled and hugged Jin tightly, who was shocked by what the vampire just said.

"Alright then, lets do this...." Blue closed his eyes and folded his hands together,

"Expergiscimini (wake up)"

Just as quickly as before, his body vaporized and all that was left was the crystal necklace.


Just like the last time I had woken up, the light blinded me. But unlike that time, something hard was clutched in my hand. My eyes fluttered open and I looked around the room. I was in a hospital room. All of my friends were crowded around me, like the last time.

"Hyung. The surgery went well....The cancer is gone..." Jimin spoke quietly, while gripping on to the side of the bed. I touched his hand and grinned.

"I'm glad." I leaned back into the bed as Namjoon crawled in bed beside me.

"So how long was I gone this time?" I stroked the pink haired man's cheek as we made eye contact.

"Only nine hours." Namjoon showed me an easy smile and hugged me. There was a light knock on the door and everyone found a seat somewhere in the room. Dr. Park stepped in, holding a file.

"Well the good news is your pancreatic cancer is gone now Seok-Jin. Bad news is, you'll have to say here for a week so we can run further inspections and tests." He reached out his hand to shake mine, which I accepted.

"Thank you Dr. Park"

"You are very welcome Seok-Jin. I'll leave you all for now. Goodbye" We all gave him our farewells and he sauntered out of the room. I moved the crystal necklace from my hand to my pocket, still thinking about Blue and the old woman. After awhile, the others left except for Namjoon. He was still in the bed with me, clinging on to my side.

{Smut-ish warning}

"Namjoon-ah, you should go home and get some sleep. I'll be fine here" He shook his head and kissed my neck.

"Nope. You're mine. I'm staying here." He leaned over me and planted little kisses all over my neck and collar bone. I giggled and brought his face up to mine, pecking his lips. I pulled away only to be brought back in by an even deeper kiss. It left us both panting for air. I suddenly got very paranoid about people seeing us.

"We shouldn't be doing this, what if someone looks in the window? Oh my gosh Namjoon get off! What if a doctor comes in?!" I complained and scooted away from him. He got up quickly from the bed and shut the blinds, locked the door, turned off the lights and sauntered back over to me.

"Is that better now?" He whispered, suddenly very close to my face. I shook my head in the darkness.

"No, because now I can't see!" I whined at crossed my arms. A smirk appeared on his face and I was placed on his lap. I started to speak again but I was cut off by the strings of my hospital gown being undone. Hissing at the cold air I wrapped my arms around myself.

"Kim Namjoon. I just had doctors poke at my pancreas with a plethora of sharp things. I refuse to lose my virginity in a hospital room!" Grumpily I turned my head away from him,

"You didn't tell me your were a virgin. I would've stopped if I knew that." He sighed and re-tied the strings, placing me back on the bed. I sighed and grabbed his sleeve,

"I change my mind lets do it." 

"No." He turned on the lights and opened the blinds, but left the door locked. I was thoroughly shocked.

"What do you mean no?! Do you not like me?" I felt tears welling up in my eyes at the thought. Namjoon gasped and ran over to me, grasping my hand.

"I love you Jin! You mean the world to me, but if its your first time, it would feel wrong in a hospital. And plus that's not romantic at all" He kissed my lips and then sat down beside me, I nodded with a sigh.

"You better go. The others are waiting for you outside." My mood changed to a cold one and I turned away from him, shutting my eyes. I heard the sound of his footsteps go over to the door. 

They stopped for a moment, I heard him clear his throat. I turned around to face him,

"What." I glared,

"I'm sorry." Namjoon's eyes filled with tears once more, my gaze softened. I turned away from him in the hospital bed.

"I know..." The door closed behind him and I heard the voices of my friends fade away down the hall. Grabbing the remote on my bedside table, I switched the lights off and moved my bed to a sleeping position. I glanced at the clock,

6:03 p.m.

A little early but I can get a dream in. I thought to myself, as I put the necklace around my neck.


This chapter was a little weird, I apologize



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