Derek growled but then started to laugh when he saw that I was lying on the ground not able to move.

''What is it? Does it hurt?'' He laughed at me, ''I didn't think it would be this easy for me.'' he laughed again. I gave him back a weak growl and he laughed even more at that.

''Laura.'' someone said in my head, ''Get to the water.''

The Moon Goddess. She was trying to help me. She was here.

I looked around and saw that the lake was behind me, but it was too far away. I couldn't get to it even if I tried. I had to think of something. I needed to get to it.

I tried to get up but just fell down again. I couldn't move.

''You can do it Luna!'' I heard someone yell. I looked up and saw one of my pack members yelling. I gave him a weak smile and looked at Ross. He was looking at me with those scared eyes again. He was pleading for me to get up and by looking at him I got a little bit of strength and tried again to stand up and I did.

I tried to walk a little bit to my left so when Derek will make the wind push me back again I wouldn't hit that damn tree again. But I couldn't. I just couldn't move my legs.

And just then I felt something push me lightly towards my left. I looked at what was pushing me but there was nothing there. That left me confused but I ignored it and focused on getting away from the tree with the light strength still pushing me.

And just like I though Derek raised his arms and made the wind push me back with full force but only now I didn't land against a tree but fell in the lake.

''No!'' I heard Derek yell with anger.

And just when I hit the water my senses were back as strong as before. My cuts started to heal fast. I felt all of my strength coming back to me. I wasn't weak anymore. Scarlett howled inside of my head, happy to get her strength back. I felt brand new. My powers were back and stronger than ever.

Moving my arms I jumped out of the water and landed on the ground on one of my knees with my now clean white clothes. I raised my head and looked at Derek and smirked when I saw his angry face. He realized what he did and now was angry at himself.

He growled when he saw that I was smirking at him and moved his arms and stomped his leg again attacking me with his powers but I used my fire and water powers and made the wind disappear and the ground to go back together. I laughed when he growled. I made a firestorm that I moved towards him with full force. The storm was too strong for his tornado that he made to protect himself and now he was the one who was flying back.

I quickly again made water drop on him. Then fire to hit him.

I stopped when I saw that he couldn't move anymore. I smirked at that.

Suddenly he flew up while controlling the wind. He flew right in front of me and tried to punch me but before he could I ducked. I punched him in the stomach and he took a step backwards. He grabbed my arm and threw me behind him making me land on my back.

I quickly stood up ignoring the pain and charged at him. I jumped up and kicked him in the face with my foot. He was about to fall down but before he could he used the wind to push him back up. I growled and tried to punch him again but he moved to the side making me miss his face. He again grabbed my arm and threw me behind him making me land on the ground with my back.

But before I could stand up he used the wind to make me go high up in the sky. And before I knew it I was falling down with full force. I screamed and tried to use my powers but they weren't working. When I reached the ground I didn't land on it. I went under it. He made me go underground.

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