Chapter 3: Two Months Later

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Hyojin's POV
Its been two months since I become an idol trainee, two weeks ago BigHit Entertainment revealed the first girl group of BigHit Entertainment and people are getting excited but they dont reveal our faces yet. I've composed lot's of songs now. I know its crazy that its just 2 months since I enter the group and they spend almost two years being a trainee.

*entered practice room*

"Yah! Why are you late!" Serah shouted.

"Mianhe." I bowed 90 degrees.

"Let's practice, Don't You Dare after that Try Me." Serah said.

"Ne!" We shouted in sync.

After practice.

"That was great." Neto said.

"Thanks to Hyojin." Tina hugged me tight.

"Can I go out? I want some frappe." I asked them giving my puppy eyes.

"You do know we can't resist that cute face of yours." Hannah said.

"Thank you guys." Then run like there's no tomorrow.

I wore my mask. I walked near the bus stop and waited for the bus. Few minutes later the bus came, I entered the bus and its full, except from the seat next to a guy who wore black mask. I look around. No seat is available.*mentally slap myself for taking a public bus*

"You can sit here." The guy said awkwardly.

"Gomawo." Then sit next to him.

I can recognize his voice. No way.*blush* I think Mingyu owns this voice. As in Kim Mingyu of Seventeen from Pledis Entertainment.

"Where are you going?" He asked. *Gosh I think he is Kim Mingyu* *internally screaming*

"I'm heading to StarBucks. You?" I asked keeping it cool.

"We can go together." He said.

"Ummm-" I'm gonna say something but he speak.

"I know you recognized me." I was shocked.

"Your Hyojin , Park Hyojin ? Right?" More shock. How did he know.

"Well, they released your pictures 10 minutes ago." Is he a mind reader?

"I'm not a mind reader. I can see it in your face." He said and smile. I can't see his lips smiling but his eyes.

"Ohhhhh." Was all I can say.

Few minutes later, we arrived at our destination. We enter the cafe.

"Hyung!" Dino shouted.

"A girl?" Vernon raised his eye brows.

"Hey, Cutie." Jun winked at me.

"Let's take our orders." Wonwoo said.

"What's your order ma'am?" The girl asked.

"1 S'mores, please." I smiled at her.

"Hyojin?" I looked at her.

"Omo! Yeonhyo eonni!" Im totally shocked.

"Let's talk later." She winked at me.

"Okey." Then spot an empty space near the glass window.



"Honey. LTNS" He greeted me.

"Hey." I smiled nervously.

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