Chapter eleven

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Edited as of July 22
warning: bullying


My heart was beating quicker that I could ever imagine. He had me close to him, my arms in back of me leaving me defenseless.

"D-Dark... I-I have to go home..." I stammered to nervous to even speak normally. I was a nervous wreck.

"Oh shut up. You don't have a home to go to, Link. Your just an orphan and nothing else! You dont belong in a 'family'. You don't belong anywhere!" He practically yelled at me, throwing me to the floor making me hit the cold white top with a loud 'thump'. I grunted, grabbing my side trying to sit up. But Dark had other ideas.

He dropped his foot right on my already damaged shoulder making me pinned to the floor. I thrashed around trying to break free from his foot but since he is a year older and bigger than I am... I couldn't get free. He leaned down to my face, his arm resting on his knee making it put more pressure.

"What you going to cry now you little baby? I haven't even started." He hissed in my ear.

Tears were beginning to form in my eyes but I had to keep it in. I didn't want to be weak in front of him. I just... have to show I'm strong even when it hurts a lot.

"Dark... please..." I begged in a whisper. He humphf and pressed down on his knee. I screamed in pain his shoes bottom blades cutting into my damaged shoulder.

"Come on, Link. Just stay quiet and everything will be okay, nothing will happen to you." He whispered softly. I nodded hesitantly, desperate, praying he was telling the truth. I didn't want to get hurt again.

He reached into his back pocket taking out something small. Holding it in his hands so I wouldn't see. And then before I knew it, a blind fold went over my eyes and I blacked out.

🖒Can continue from here🖒


Hours later I woke up in my bed. I lazily sat up, groggy and weak. My entire body ached and stung tremendously. I looked at my shirt and it wasn't the one I was wearing at school. It was a green long sleeved shirt with a blue shield in front that had little designs on it. Nothing near my old beige one.

I looked at my hands and they seemed to be okay, maybe a little bruised up but okay. I just didn't know how the rest of me looked like.

Getting up, almost falling to my knees I went to my little mirror -that my dad got for me- and I didn't like the sight.

My bottom lip was cut on the side, my left eye just above it was bruised, I had a small bandage on my cheek and nose, I had small scabs all over my face and when I rolled up my sleeves, I had deep cuts on my arms. Which were already bandaged up. My legs were okay but everything from my lower back hurt. I had a feeling that Dark did... that to me. But I don't feel that kind of pain from that area. Just a stinging pain on my lower back.

I turned around, lifting up my shirt to see my back and I had cuts going across my lower back and you could barely almost see my spine. I cringed at the sight putting my shirt back down. And deciding to get me something to eat before school. I opened my door and carefully made my way down stairs.

I first went to the fridge grabbing some red chuchu jelly and then to the cabinet to complete it with chickaloo tree nut butter along with the tabantha wheat bread. I sat on the high stool at the table and made my chickaloo tree nut butter and red chuchu jelly sandwich, with some chocolate milk.

I finished my food, placing it into the sink and going to my room until my dad came.

"Link." He stated coldly.

I stopped in my tracks, not even bothering to face him. "Y-yes dad?" I stuttered.

"Why were you bruised when you came home?"

Oh no. What do I tell him! If I say I don't know he'll think I'm lying and I'll get hurt. I just don't know what to say since I really don't know what happened. I guess... saying I don't know... is my best answer since I got nothing else to say. And I can't make up a lie since I'm bad at lying.

"I... I don't know. I can't really remember what happened or how this happened..." I mumbled. I could feel his yellow amber eyes staring into the back of my head. I bit my lip nervously hearing his footsteps grow closer to me and before I knew it his hand was on my shoulder, and I was turned around to face him.

"You don't know?" He asked sternly. I nodded hesitantly.

"How could you not know!" His voice was raising with each sentence that came out.

"I-I..." He stopped me before I could even finish. His hand made contact with my cheek. Tears formed in my eyes as I staring shakily into his yellow amber eyes.

"I don't want to hear you stupid excuses Link!" He yelled.

And I did the most stupid, regretful thing I could ever do.

"There not excuses! It's the truth! I don't know what happened to me, or why I was bruised and beat up!" I argued back and instantly regretted it.

His eyes grew and filled with anger as his face stayed expressionless and cold. I instantly felt weak, like jello and I couldn't feel anything in my body. His grip on my shoulder grew tighter and more painful as his finger dug into my shoulder blade. He grabbed my arm roughly making wince from the pain he put on my arm and cuts. Dragging me to the living room he threw me to the couch roughly.

"No one talks back to me you little piece of sh*t! I may have adopted you, but anyone, even my own son, gets punished!"

✔Happy Hurts 《Modern》Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin