Chapter six

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warning(sexual abuse): this chapter may contain a triggering scene so I advise you to skip that part once you get to⚠warning⚠ and when it ends at 🖒🖒then you can keep reading. But if this doesn't affect you in any way, just try to read unless it gets too uncomfortable, thank you!! Also if you do read on, I will use clean words.

edited: 2/4/19



Link looked at the women with a confused look and glanced at Ganon. Ganon paid no attention to Link as he left the house, leaving Link with Cia. 

"So what do you want to do today Link?" Cia asked sweetly, bending down with her hands resting on her knees.

Link messed with his shirt nervously, biting his lip in the concept. She looked at him confused, her finger going to his chin as she lifts it up to face her, making him look at her in the eyes.

"Don't worry Link. I don't bite." She smiled softly. Link nodded slowly before responding with a quiet mumble, "I want to play outside..." it was faint but she was able to make it out.

Cia smiled, stood up straight and reached her hand out for him to grab. "Then let's go play outside." Link glanced up nervously, nodding and taking her hand. She leads him to the back yard, that to Link, looked like a park. It had a swimming pool just near the fence, a jungle gym, slides, a tennis court at the back, and a large picnic area.

Link's mouth gaped open just a little amused at the site of the back yard. Cia noticed him and chuckled lightly, as she knelt down on one knee. "You like this Link?" She asked. He nodded almost instantly as he ran over to the jungle gym.

Cia watched the little seven-year-old run over and start climbing on the small gym. Cia smiled as Link hung upside down on the bar, his hands by the side of his knees. She walked over to him, cupping his face with her hands.

"You're such a cutie Link!" She cooed. Link giggled, shaking his head at the compliment. "No, I'm not! I'm different and nothing close to being a "cutie"!" He pointed his finger to his mouth in a gagging way. She laughed and caresses his cheek.

"Yes, you are Link. You are adorable!" She smiled sweetly. Link pouted shaking his head again.

"How can I prove that your cute and adorable?" Cia asked with an eyebrow raised.

"You can prove it because it's not true!" He argued. She sighed.

'This kid really isn't going to give in is he?'

"Come now Link, let me just prove how cute and adorable you are!" She held his back, taking him off the bar and holding him in her arms upward. Her hand on his back and the other on his bottom.

"Hey, I wasn't done." He crossed his arms.

"Well your face says otherwise. So let's go back inside so I can show you just how cute you are to me." Cia smiled, poking his stomach. He giggled at her touch.

Cia walked back inside the house with Link still in her arms as she sat him down on the couch just near the coffee table. Link swung his legs back and forth against the seat as Cia smiled down at him.

"So, Cia... how are you going to show that I'm cute which I am not." Link asked, adding his own bit.

She laughed sweetly, but it didn't sound sweet but more, seductive.


"Well Link, I'm not really going to show you anything. But you're going to show me something that's for sure." She knelt down, pointing a finger at his chest. Her finger trailed down his stomach sending chills down his spine. She stopped just at his length. He gulps as her finger made little circles around that area.

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