Chapter two

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edited as of 1/31/19



'A dad?! A dad! I actually have a dad now! I can't believe this is happening! Even if he is just my adopted dad, I still have a dad! I can't wait to tell Mipha and the others! ' Link had a whole rant going on in his head until Twinrova snapped her fingers in front of him. He blinked a couple of times, looking around the room then back at Twinrova and Ganon.

Ganon, short for Ganondorf, looked down at Link with his eyebrow raised. Link sheepishly looked up at Ganon and smiled shyly.

"Okay so Ganon, I want you to sign here, here, here and here," Twinrova said, pointing to different signature areas on the adoption papers.

"Alright then! Ganon, you have full custody on Link, and do what you may please to help him that can benefit both of you." Twinrova said taking the papers and checking through them.

"Oh, believe me, I'll help him as he helps me," Ganon smirked down at the innocent Link who was jumping up and down next to him.

"Okay Link just go get your stuff." Link nodded rapidly and ran up the stairs to pack.

He opened his room door, grabbing his backpack and shoving his clothes in there. "Where are you going Link?" Ila asked looking over Link's shoulder.

"I'm going home Ila! I have a home now!" He exclaimed happily. Ila smiled and clasped her hands together.

"Really!??" She asked. Link nodded swinging his backpack on his back.

"Yay! Wait you're still going to school right?" She questioned. Link tapped his chin then nodded. She smiled giving him a nod. He gave her a thumbs up, opening the door. "Bye Ila!" "Bye Link!" She waved happily as Link closes the door behind him and went down the halls.

'I can't believe this!! I'm going to a home! With my new daddy! I can't wait until we hang out together, go to the park, amusement parks! And eat candy!' Link had so many happy thoughts running through his head when he got to the bottom of the stairs he just couldn't wait. 

Ganon waited for him by the door, his gaze looking down at his phone and his thumb moving across the screen. Probably texting someone. Link walked over to him, looking up at the giant in front of him and smiled happily. Ganon glanced at Link from the corner of his phone screen and opened the door. His gaze never leaving his phone.

Link skipped out and stopped when he saw a black Lamborghini with a gray crest on the rim and a demon like pig head design on the hood of the car. Link stared at the car in awe, his mouth gaped open.

Ganon was already at the passenger car door, standing in the middle since he had it opened.

"C'mon kid!" Ganon yelled. Link flinched, nodding, and running over to the door. Ganon opened the door Link as he slipped inside taking off his bag and setting it between his legs. Ganon slipped inside the car, closing the door next to him, putting the key in the ignition and starting the car.

"So Ganon, where do you live? How old are you anyway? And how tall are you? You seem like you'd be 7 feet since your a giant! Do I also have a mom? What do you work as?" Link ranted on. Ganon rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"If I answer all your questions will you shut up?" Ganon glanced at Link with an annoyed look his hand rubbing against his face in exasperation.

Link nodded happily.

"Fine... I live in a 2 story house. I'm 38, and I'm 7'6. No, you don't have a mom, and what I work as isn't your business. Now shut up and look out the window." Ganon said as he cracked his neck. Link's face fell and turned his head to the window, his right arm resting on the armrest looking out the window.


Once Ganon parked his car at the driveway he looked at Link who was now asleep. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"Dammit kid why did you have to sleep now..." he mumbled. He walked over to Link's door opening it as Link's little head falls down on his shoulder. 

Ganon unbuckles Link's seat belt, pick him up and holds him as he grabs Link's backpack and closes the door with his foot. He walked inside with Link's head rest on his shoulder with his arms dangling down.

He walked up the stairs opening a door to a guest room he had, laying Link down on the bed. Link curled up like a ball, mumbling in his sleep. Ganon covered him with a blanket and walked out the door.

"Get some rest little money maker."

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