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~Jonah's pov~

I wake up, hearing soft and cute snores from under me, knowing that it is Mia.

I looked down at her, smiling softly,

She's so adorible..

I hugged her more tightly, and kissed her forehead.

"You're so precious... I will not let anyone hurt you.. I promise.." I whisper in her hair.

I started to trace small circles on her back, taking in her scent.

My stomach rumbled, making me groan in annoyance.

'I want to stay here all day though!'

I whine, but my stomach rumbled even louder.

'Ughhh!! Fineee!! Taitor..' I mumbled in my head, slowly getting up and not waking Mia up.

I quietly went down stairs, and went to the fridge,

"Hey Jonah," I heard a voice behind me, making me yelp from shock.

I turned around to be face to face with Zach.

"Hey Zach, you scared me, what's up?" I asked him, knowing something's up.

"Sorry for scaring you, and yeah, something's up. Did you mark Mia?" Zach suddenly questioned, making me quite suspicious.

"Yeah.. I did... Why??" I asked curiously.

"Well, I figured... Because Jack is now very, very grumpy." Zach stated.

I nod my head, understanding Zach's concern.

"Well thanks for telling me." Zach said, making me smile.

"No probs little dude." I replied, ruffling his hair,

"Not the hair!!" Zach gasped dramatically, "And I'm not little!" He continued, annoyed.

He went to the bathroom to get his hair fixed, while I was getting back to what I was doing down here in the first place ; food.

Searching through the fridge, I had one thing in mind, nutella.

I was craving some of that chocolatey goodness!

Searching for a good 3 minutes, I finally come across a jar of nutella, and found the bread in one of the cupboards.

Getting a plate, and a butter knife, I opened the glorious nutella jar, and placed my bread on my plate.

I got my butter knife and scooped out a chunck of nutella, spreading it smoothly across the bread.

I had one word in mind when I did that, SATISFYINGG!!

After I made about 5 slices of nutella bread, I cleaned up the kitchen and went to the living room,

The first things I saw was Corbyn and Daniel playing COD 4 on the Xbox, Zach sprawled across the couch on his phone, and a very grumpy Jack, snuggled in a blanket, in the very far corner of the couch ; away from everyone.

'I guess Zach was right.'

I sat down on the couch next to Daniel, took out my phone, and ate my nutella bread.

After a good 16 minutes, I smelt the most amazing scent hit me.

"Hey guys," Mia yawned, rubbing her eyelids, still half asleep.

The first person to get up was Jack, he went straight to Mia and hugged her.

"Hey Mi-" Before Corbyn could even finish his sentence, Jack growled protectively.

"Damn, someone's protective," Daniel mumbled, knowing that Jack had heard him.

Jack became tense, and looked like he was reading to snap, but that quickly changed when Mia snuggled into him.

Jack immediately melted into her touch, pulling her closer to him.

"Let's go to sleep..." She mumbled into Jack, which he just nodded, taking her hand and leading her upstairs to his room.

After they went away from hearing range, we instantly looked at each other.

"I bet Jack will mark her." Corbyn replied instantly, Daniel agreeing with Corbyn.

"Nah, I think they will sleep it through." Zach said, making me agree with him.

"Then its a bet" Corbyn said with a smirk,

"You're on!" Zach challenged.

A/n : You're girl survived her exams!! Btw thank you so much for 2.74k!!


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