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~Mia's pov~

I wake up, feeling something hugging me. Almost protectively, I opened my eyes, to be face to face with a sleeping Jonah. He seemed like he just fell asleep, due to the eye bags he had right now. 'When did they get back?'  His arms were around my back, pulling me closer to him. I wriggled my way out of his arms, since I needed to use the bathroom badly, which was a success. I looked at the bed, seeing all the boys sleeping in my bed. 

I went to the bathroom, and did my business, I washed my hands by the sink, looking at the mirror. My hair was every where, it was like I was just electrocuted, my eyes had eye bags from the pain and stress last night. I ran my hand through my hair, trying to tame it as best as I can.

I went out the bathroom, to see the boys still fast asleep. I decided to get a small snack, my stomach rumbling. I quietly went downstairs, going through the cabinets, trying to find a light snack. 'I guess toast and some warm water would do..'

I put the bread in the toaster, and made my warm water. I sat on a chair, waiting patiently. The party's tomorrow, and I'm starting to get anxious. I have a bad feeling about this party. The sound of the toaster, made me shake the thought away. Nothing bad would happen right?..

I grabbed my toast and silently finished my water and food, once I finished, I washed my glass and headed to the backyard. I sat down, over looking the city, my hair flying with the wind. I stayed there for a couple of hours, until I heard bunch of noises back at the house. I stood up, and cautiously went back inside the house. I saw a frantic Jonah, Zach, Jack, Daniel, and Corbyn, running around the house. "Where is she?!" Corbyn said, stressed out of his mind. The house was a complete mess. 'How long was I out there for?'

"Uhh... Hi?" I said awkwardly, finally letting myself into their view. They ran towards me, and tackled me with a huge hug. "Thank goodness you're alright." Daniel sighed, taking in my scent, and calming down.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry we left you yesterday.. I-" Jonah kept rambling on- but I cut him off, "It's okay, I understand why you did that." I smile understandingly, because I know they probably had the same torture as me.

"N-No, you shouldn't have gone through that-" 

"Jonah- what's done is done. We can't change the past. It's over now." I reasoned, smiling faintly. 

There was a moment of silence then we broke the hug after a few minutes, "Thank you so much for understanding." Corbyn smiled slightly, "No problem." I grinned at him.

"Last one in the living room pays 2 bucks to each person!" I said trying to lift up the mood, which thankfully worked, as I sprinted to get to the living room as fast as I can. 

I jumped onto the couch and waited for them to get in the living room. One by one they all ran inside.

Jonah- Safe.

Daniel- Safe.

Corbyn- Safe.

Now it's down to 2 people, Zachary Dean Herron v.s Jack Robert Avery. In 3... 2... 1...

-And Zach came in first, Jack trailing behind him. Looks like we have the loser. "Unfair! Zach pushed me into the wall and stepped on my foot!" Jack complained, grabbing his sore foot. "Stop complaining and pay up." Zach snickered, sitting on the couch next to me.

"Ugh! Fine, cheater.." Jack mumbled, grabbing his wallet and pulling out $1 bills and giving us 2 dollars individually. "You guys hungry?" Zach asked, looking at us for an answer. "Kinda, I guess." I shrugged, I wasn't that hungry but I was still hungry, do you know what I mean? "Let's go to Chipotle- We haven't gone there for a lonnggggg timee! Pleasee!" Zach whined, making us just give in.

"Yes! I'm-"

"Nope! You aren't driving. Tomorrow's a party- and we don't want to kill anyone before that okay Zach?" Jonah interrupted, Zach making him huff in annoyance but still agree, since we're going to Chipotle.

'I guess I'm eating again today.'


A/N : Woohoo 2 updates in 1 day! Sorry for not uploading in like almost a week- because I have skating lessons for like 4 days straight now- and finally have a day off! Anyway Tysm for 25.5k! I couldn't thank you guys enough!! See ya in the next chapter ;).


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