Chapter 30

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Hey guys as a gift for all of you i decided to do another update knowing you guys waited for so long for my last update. I really don't know where the story is going but i hope you guys are still enjoying it!!!

Anyway, this is chapter 30!!





Previously in Forced to Be with You

What could possibly happened to me?

"Nina?" The guy who i now know is Nick called out my name.

"Are you sure you can't remember anything? Anything at all?"

I flushed in embarrassment, "Sorry.. I really don't remember what happened to me nor who you are. I didn't know the 'accident' i went through was this bad."

"Trust me is really bad."

I chuckled, "What could possibly happened to me? I got no enemies right?"

"You do Nina."

I blinked not replying.

"You were kidnapped and was abused."


Nina's POV

Kidnapped? Abused? Coma for 3 months? Losing my memory? Enemies? So many things are running through my mind. How did my small life ended up here? Such a pity. I thought i was destined to do something better, but here i am stuck in a hospital bed with my so called husband that i can't remember nor any of my family members.

How did i lose my memory so badly? Was i really crucially abused by my kidnappers? But what have i ever done to them? I never even met them, know them. My body started shaking and i began hyperventilating. I can feel my heartbeat increases and i felt my vision started to blurred.

I was gasping for air I was clutching my shirt so hard, until tears began streaming down my face. I can't seem to understand anything, i was confused and afraid. I clenched my eye shut and visions started resurfacing flashing in my head. I saw Nick, and some other people that i don't recognised but they were there, in my memories.

Then i saw and empty barn. An old barn in the middle of nowhere, but there was a beautiful lake behind the barn. It seemed so familiar but i can't recall where. The next memory was me inside the old barn. Tied upon an old wooden chair my arms and legs tied back with ropes. I can already see rash forming on my wrist because of the ropes.

I walked towards me attempting to get a hold of myself. Slowly reaching out my hand towards it, a loud gun shot erupted inside the barn.

"NINA!!" a guy shouted my name.

"Nina! WHERE ARE YOU?!" he shouted once more.

I stared at myself who was on the chair, I was not responding. I seemed so weak, fragile incapable to defend myself. My kidnappers where nowhere to be seen. The last thing I saw from my memory was a blonde hair person rushing out from the barn through the backdoor and that was it until i fully lost my conscious.

"Nina, listen to me follow my voice okay? Breathe Nina. Nothing is going to happened to you, I am here." the deep husky voice whispered into my ears. But i can't focus on anything. Fear is the only thing i can focus on. I can't stop the tears thats rushing down my cheeks.

"Please don't leave me alone.. Please.. I can't.. I can't.. am so scared.." I stuttered.

Suddenly i felt a warm embraced coursing through me. I stopped shaking and my tears began to stop. The embrace made me feel safe and protected. I clutched on the persons shirt and close my eyes wanting to feel his warmth. He whispers sweet nothings into my ear, and it made me feel calm,

"I'm here okay? I'm not going to leave you not now not ever." he whispered.

"Thank you.. Nick."

There was yet another silence in the room but this time it was not awkward. When Nick was certain i had calmed down, he released me from his embrace and to say i miss his warmth would be an understatement.

"Are you okay now?" He asked.

"Yea.. I just had a panic attack you know? So many things is happening and i can't really seem to understand on what was happening i guess."

"It's okay, everything takes time."

"I know.. but while i was having my panic attack.. well i saw my memories.. I saw all of your faces in this room. And i saw myself when i was kidnapped. Its not clear but the last thing i saw rom my memory was a blonde person rushing to go out of the barn from the back door and that was it."

"You don't know whether it was a guy or a  girl?" Nick asked, i shook my head.

He stood up from his chair and was about to walk but i stopped him. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"I need to track down the person okay Nina? I promise i will return by tonight okay?"

I nodded my head and released him. soon enough he was out of my sight and i was left alone with more unfamiliar faces. But i decided to smile at them knowing they are someone who i'm really close with.

Deciding it is not best for me ignore my surroundings I ended up talking with them and slowly but surely i began to recognise them. With the amount of time i  had till Nick returned now i could remember the people in my room. I can't believe i forgot my parents faces as well as Scott's and Serena's.

There was also this one little kid name Alex and he was such a sweetheart. I know that they are my friends and family but it feel weird on how fast i became close to them knowing i didn't even recognise their faces. Time flew faster than expected and soon enough it was dark outside.

Everyone bid their goodbyes and left the hospital and i was yet again alone and the sense of fear began rising once more. But i told myself that Nick would be back as he promised. As i was waiting for his return, I decided to turn on the television and watch some tv series. Once i was satisfied with the series that was played i began to make myself comfortable on the hospital bed but also making sure not to hurt my faded bruises.

I smiled happily after feeling comfortable on my bed. Not long after, Someone walked inside my room. I turned my head to the door and saw Nick smiling at name as he leaned against the wall. I blush as he was staring at me not feeling comfortable on the attention.

He chuckled amuse on my reaction and i glared at him. We say nothing and i attempt to go back focusing on the series that was playing. Not paying attention with his actions, he climbed into my hospital bad and put his arm around my waist and nuzzled on my neck.

My body stiffen not use to his touch but the feeling fade away and i felt comfortable with his embrace.

"Did you find anything?" I whispered to him.

"Hm.." He replied.

I said nothing more and without realising my eyes started to drop and i feel asleep with Nick in his arms.

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