10: Attack Pattern: Brahms-Tango-Omega!

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Brahms sat down in the captain's chair after he was transported onto the bridge of the USS Atlas.

"Shelby! What's our status?" He asked.

The crew was taken off-guard by this sudden change but recovered quickly.

"We've managed to patch up ninety-five percent of the damage from the earlier attack before you were... abducted," Shelby reported. "We brought a co-allied fleet with us with help from the Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians..."

"Basically the whole interstellar nuclear family?" Brahms asked. "Good, we'll need them. Open a channel to the Admiral's ship."

Kiska hit a few buttons on her console. "Channel open to the USS Voyager... They are responding."

Admiral Janeway appeared on the screen. She was surprised to see Brahms back in the Captain's chair. "Good to have you back, Brahms." She said.

"Admiral, Anasazi Zeriah has succeeded his father as the Emperor of his people." Brahms explained. "I will include all the further details in my report, but we have to act quickly! We need to take out those Borg Cubes before they reach Jarvainia! Even though the Jarvainians have powerful weapons, I don't think even they can take on all those Borg ships on their own, and I'm sure more are on the way!"

"How did the Borg find them way out here?" Admiral Janeway asked.

"Wraitan's doing. I'll explain later." Brahms said. "Right now, we need to engage! The Borg are the biggest threat right now!"

"We are being hailed now by the lead Klingon, Cardassian, and Romulan ships. I'm patching them in." Kiska reported.

"I will only say this once, Brahms!" Garak said. "We came here to rescue your sorry Romulan behind! We did not intend on fighting the Borg!"

"I'm sorry to say this, but we have little options in this right now, Garak." Brahms said flatly. "If the Borg assimilate any Jarvainian technology, it will mean doom not just for the Alpha Quadrant, but for the Galaxy as a whole! You've seen what Jarvanian ships can do on their own! I do not want to find out what one can do supercharged by the Borg! Do you?"

"...Very well, Captain." Garak said, a shiver going down his spine. "We will assist."

"Agreed." Admiral Shiela said. "We're with you, Atlas."

"Then into battle, we fly!" Martok said proudly.

"So, What's the plan?" Garak asked. "Judging by our projections, the Jarvainians have lost three more ships with us chit-chatting... We need an angle of attack, so to speak?"

Brahms mind raced for a moment. He recalled an old attack pattern he devised in the academy to bring down a Borg Cube. It was for an assignment from one of his professors. He got a top grade for it, as it seemed to work on paper. But would it work in an actual field test?

He quickly got out of his chair and went up to Tactical alongside Felix. "Felix, may I?"

Felix stepped aside, and Brahms started to rapidly program in his attack patterns and strategy. "Brahms to the fleet, I am sending you an attack plan on a secure frequency. Be ready to receive."

The other factions on the screen quickly confirmed that they received the attack plan.

"Cardassian and dominion fleet ready and able," Garak reported.

"Romulan fleets ready," Seela reported.

"Klingon fleet ready!" Martok said proudly.

"Federation fleet ready and standing by." Admiral Janeway reported. "Enterprise is in position right next to you, Atlas."

Brahms took his seat again. "Atlas to all ships! Engage attack pattern Brahms-Tango-Omega!"

The Klingon Birds of prey and Vor'Cha class cruisers charged forward at full impulse using hit and run tactics, unleashing an array of disruptor and torpedo fire, banking off just in time to avoid being locked onto by the Borg's tractor beams! The Cardassians were next, joining with the Jem'Hadar fighters to swarm the Cubes with spiral disruptors and polaron beams! The Borg Cubes were taking superficial damage! Next, came the Romulans, as they unleashed hell with their disruptors and plasma torpedoes, as they formed up a vertical wall and fired volley after volley! The Cube's structural integrity was weakening! Making it a prime target for the Federation ships! They Charged in right after the Klingons, unleashing their phasers and payloads of photon and quantum torpedoes, with the Atlas leading the charge alongside the Enterprise! The Borg Tactical Cube's armor wasn't strong enough to hold up to the pounding, and was compromised after the Federation fleet's hit and run! They were simply unable to adapt quickly enough to all the weapons fire! Gaping holes and craters were left in the Cube's hull!

"We've completely destroyed their cortical node." Felix reported. "The entire cube is shutting down... The other two cubes are backing off!" Felix exclaimed. "They are going to warp!"

The cubes then went to warp speed, and they were gone.

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