3: New Problems

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"Lauching torpedoes, phaser cannon firing..." Felix reported. The Screen lit up with phaser fire and the white flare from the Tri-Cobalt Torpedoes. While the Phasers pierced the Dreadnought's shields, the Torpedoes did their job as they burst into explosion hitting the engine housing.

"Their engines are out!" Keal'Dran reported. "The other ship is warping out, trajectory nine-eight-two mark one-zero."

"Warp drive is back online!" Brex reported.

"Don't lost them, Kiska! Floor it!"

Not needing an explanation as to where to go or how fast, she matched the course and speed of the ship they just saved, entering warp speed.

"They're increasing speed to warp seven! They're trying to outrun us!" Keal'Dran reported.

"Overtake them!" Brahms ordered.

"I'm trying sir!" Kiska said.

"Target at warp eight point five!" Keal'Dran said.

"Brex, I read in the ship's report that this is a 'warp thirteen' capable star ship?"

"Yes, but it's never actually been tested!" Brex began. "The Triton warp core has the power and capability to theoretically reach warp thirteen, but only in the sims..."

"Target is at warp nine." Keal'Dran reported. "We won't be able to keep up at this rate!"

"Looks like we'll have to test it now!" Brahms said. "Brex, give me everything she's got! Kiska, punch it up to full throttle!"

Brex swallowed hard. "Aye, sir."

"Ready to increase warp speed on your command, sir." Kiska said.

Brahms looked at the viewscreen at the ship. "Warp ten! Engage!"

The ship then started to slightly vibrate as it shifted up to higher speed.

"Approaching warp nine... warp nine point six... nine point seven... nine point eight... nine point nine five... Warp ten!" Kiska said.

"We're overtaking them!" Keal'Dran said.

"Core is stable so far..." Brex said. "Hull stress is minimal at the moment.."

"Sir, their powering down their warp engines! Their slowing to impulse!"

"Stay with them, Kiska!" Brahms said. "Keal'Dran, our position?"

"Unknown, sir. We're in an unexplored part of the Gamma quadrant. This system's star is capable of supporting life, and I am reading several M-Class planets in this system..." Proximity alert then went off. "Sir, I'm reading multiple ships closing in! They're similar to the one we've just chased down!"

"What is their word on firepower?" Brahms asked.

"Poleron disruptor beams, and what appear to be accelerated positron torpedo lauchers."

"We're being hailed by the ship we pursued." Felix said.

"On screen." Brahms said.

On the screen was a bewildering sight! The being was nothing like the Jarvanian they saw! It was like a giant, humanoid lizard with wings! Dragon-like, if that was a term that could be used. It had a resemblance to gargoyle statues! It wore barbarian-like armor, and had scars all over the visible parts of it's body.

"Nice job on the Jarvanian dreadnought, Captain." The being said. It was clearly male.

Brahms got up, still trying to be professional. "I am Captain Brahms of the USS Atlas representing...."

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