5: Attack on Deep Space Nine

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Personal Log, Draconis Sky'thonar, Unity Clan Chieftain. Stardate 56789.9:

After two days of negotiations, we are still unsure what to do about the "Wraitan" problem, as his son, Anasazi Zeriah, puts it. Though it may seem we may make progress on this issue soon. However, for me it is not soon enough. To complicate this matter more, Starfleet has sent the USS Enterprise and USS Titan to "aid" in these negotiations.

DS9 – Negotiations and Briefing room

"So from what you've told us, there is no way he would be willing to negotiate? Not even If he was cornered?" Captain Riker of the Titan asked Anasazi.

"No." Anasazi said. "You'd have better luck trying to contain a supernova. I'm afraid once he sets his mind on something he wants done, he makes sure it is carried out. By any means necessary."

"So what you are saying, is that we have no choice but to fight?" Captain Picard of the Enterprise assumed.

"Sadly." Anasazi said. "And the most unfortunate part is that father is spoiling for one. I wouldn't be surprised if he was planning an attack on this station as we speak."

It was as soon as those words left Anasazi's lips that the station went to red alert.

Brahms tapped the com panel. "Brahms to Major Kira, what in blazes is going on?!"

"There's a ship coming out of the wormhole!" Kira reported. "It's a Jarvanian dreadnought, and it's a big one!!"

Anasazi looked uneasy. "How big, Major Kira? Give me an estimate!"

"About as big as a Hutet Dreadnought!" Kira replied. "They're coming in, weapons hot and shields up! They're locking onto the station!"

Anasazi looked at Picard. "That's him. Your Starfleet needs to make a choice now, Picard: end him now, and avoid a catastrophe, or end him later, and cost thousands, maybe billions, of lives."

"How do we know you can be trusted?" Janeway demanded, her brow narrow. "For all we know..."

Anasazi sighed, annoyed. "Admiral! If I wanted you and your ships dead and destroyed, I would have done it myself. I could have had my cruiser break your ships and this station anytime I wanted. You know a few things, but little, about our tech, considering your little skirmish with father earlier. And without me, you stand no chance of winning against him. I know his strategies. He'll fire a few shots first, to test the strength of the station, then send an ultimatum. Usually his ultimatum's have a length of about 2 minutes, considering you don't fire back immediately..."

The station shook moments later. Lights flickered and sparks flew from the ceiling.

"See?" Anasazi said. "Now do you want my help or not?"

Janeway looked at Picard and Riker. They nodded. "Alright, let's go to Ops."

They exited the briefing room to Ops. Kira had Wraitan on the main viewer.

"What are you doing with my son?!" He demanded. "Have you taken him prisoner?"

"For your information, Father, I've decided to defect!" Anasazi snapped. "Your senseless pursuit of Sky'thonar has begun to regress the empire into savagery! We have not made any social or technological progress since the war began! The people are tired of it, but most importantly, I am tired of it! Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way! We outnumber you and have a few aces up our sleeves! The Federation, Sky'thonar, and I are willing to resort to violent measures if we have to! This is your last chance! Surrender yourself, and the crown, or be destroyed! It's your call!"

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