4: Prince

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Draconis woke up in his bed from a nightmare. The same nightmare he had many a night. Father and Mother were calling out to him. He was trying to find them. Instead, he walked straight into a Jarvanian ambush. He felt a stab of pain in his back, and saw a blade sticking out of his chest. He could hear Wraitan laughing, and saw his hand reaching for the blade, catching the blood trickling off of it. That was the point where he woke up.

He sighed. The day when his parents died would most likely haunt him for the rest of his life. He got up out of bed, standing in the darkness of the room. The windows showed a spectacular view of the ship as it traveled through warp. He sighed. He needed to do something to get that dream off of his mind. Though he never let it show in front of his crew, or the men and women he commanded.

He got out some incense pods out of his bag, set them up in a circle around him, lit them, and got on his knees to pray to his ancestors.



"Admiral, can I ask you a question, in my ready room?" Brahms looked to Janeway.

They went into the ready room. Janeway looked to him. "What is it, Brahms?"

"With all due respect, why was I picked for the Atlas? I'm not meaning to sound ungrateful, but the new Oden Refit, given to a fresh captain?"

Janeway looked at him compassionately. "First, please try to understand. We want to get a feel for your capabilities. Since you've entered the Academy, other Romulans have been requesting academy entrance too. Since the incident in the Bassen rift, the Star empire has needed allies more than enemies. So they want to start enlisting some of their people in starfleet. Don't take this the wrong way Brahms, you're an excellent officer. You are what could be considered a test case, but you are also more. Of course, we need to see if you are truly ready for the responsibilities of command. But you are a beacon to the other Romulans who want to enter the academy. If you can handle the Atlas on this assignment, it shows how far the diplomatic negotiations have come between us and the Romulans."

"I see." Brahms sighed. "Sounds like Saffi was right."

Janeway raised an eyebrow.

"Saffi Larsen. She died on the Sovereign during the repeat Matan incident. She was always saying I had a lot to live up to, and she's right. I don't know what the future holds, but I'm giving it my all."

"Good to hear it, Brahms. Saffi and your former captain would be proud to see you in this position. Captain of your own starship..."

"Bridge to the captain." It was Felix.

Brahms tapped his com badge. "Go ahead."

"Sir, we're approaching the bajoran wormhole, and I'm reading one unidentified vessel holding position near it."

"Configuration?" Brahms asked.

"It appears to be a Jarvanian vessel." Felix responded.

"I'm on my way." Brahms immediately exited the ready room to the bridge.

"Status!" Brahms' posture was full of command as he looked at Kiska.

"We're approaching the wormhole. Dropping out of warp in three... two... one..."

They dropped out of warp, only to find a Jarvanian cruiser.

"Red alert! Raise shields. Hail them." Brahms said.

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