6: David VS Goliath!

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"Automaton bay targeted! Firing..." A chained barrage of Phaser and torpedo fire erupted across the viewscreen like a hellblaze, sweeping across the Jarvanian ship's bay internal structure. Many explosions of magnificent fashion flared up from the bay like a holiday fireworks display.
"Direct hit!" Feilx reported.

"Sir!" Keal'dran excalimed. "Whatever we hit in that bay, it's done something to the Automatons! They are going out of control! They are dispersing away from the Enterprise!"

"Sounds like you hit their control node." Anasazi commented. "Good and bad. The Automatons rely on the control node. Without them, they tend to go berserk, either trying to repair, dismantle, or destroy."

"The Enterprise is charging their deflector. It looks like it's going to disable the Automatons." Kea'Dran reported.

"How?" Brahms asked.

"According to these readings, they are charging their shield bubble with energy via anti-proton beams..."

"Didn't Voyager use that once in the Delta Quadrant?" Kiska asked.

"Yes, to enter the Q continuum." Keal'Dran explained. "It boosted their shields by a factor of 10. but they had to be very cautious. If they had timed it badly, the shield bubble would have destabilized and destroyed the ship. But from what I'm reading, their over-charging the bubble, along with reinforcing structural integrity."

"This doesn't sound like what Voyager did. Any idea what they are trying to do?" Commander Shelby inquired.

Keal'Dran turned to Brahms. "I have a theory: I believe they are over-charging their shields to 'pop' the bubble. That will create a wave of both direct energy and physical force around the ship, pushing away, and possibly crushing the automatons in the process."

Brahms scratched his chin. "...Felix, Continue firing on Wraitan.." Brahms ordered. "Kiska, Distance us from the Enteprise. Let's give them some breathing room."

"Increasing Distance from the Enteprise, sir." Kiska maneuvered the Atlas away.

Just as they maneuvered away, just as the Enterprise's shield bubble popped, sending a shockwave rocketing away from the ship. It destroyed the Automatons surrounding it!

"They got 'em!" Felix said. "The Automatons are no longer a threat to the Enterprise!"

"Good! Now we can go all out on the dreadnought!" Brahms said. "Bring all weapons to bare on..."

The ship then shook as Wraitan's Dreadnought fired pulses of energy on all ships. The volley lasted several seconds, but it was relentless!

"Shield are down!" Felix said.

"Hull breaches on decks 9 through 12!" Brex reported. "Forward-Dorsal Phaser Array and Phaser Lance power couplings has been severed, attempting to bypass..."

"What the hell was that?!" Brahms turned to Anasazi.

"Rapid Polaron Pulse Guns. It's a standard on all our battleships." Anasazi responded.
"Felix, Tricobalt Torpedoes!" Brahms ordered. "Keal'Dran, scan that ship for any and all weaknesses, I want it disabled now!"

"Torpedoes away!" Felix hit the fire button shortly after programming the spread. A volley of five torpedoes flew across the screen, hitting Wraitan's ship.

"Sir, sensors aren't showing a lot, but I do have something! Their warp engines are operating with a fluctuation that goes in a specific pattern! If we can cause a feedback loop through their engines, We can disable their entire main power supply! A high-energy spike going through their warp engines should do the trick!"

"Manuver us into firing position on their aft flank!" Brahms ordered. Kiska manuvered the Atlas around to the aft of the Jarvanian ship.

"Brex, have you had any luck bypassing the phaser lance power coupling?" Brahms asked.

"It's ready, but we may only get a few shots!" Brex said.

"Noted. Do it, Felix! Fire the Phaser lance!" Brahms said.

Felix then fired the phaser lance. A destructive beam of phased energy impacted the warp engines of the dreadnought, sending a surge through their reactor.

"Sensors read the reactor on Wraitan's ship has completely shut down!" Keal'Dran reported.

"Their dead in the water!" Felix said.

Brahms sighed. "Hail the Enterprise. Let's discuss our next move..."

But before Captain Brahms could finish his sentence, he, Draconis, and Anasazi vanished from the bridge in a field of energy! A transporter beam!

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