"Honestly that girl deserves to stay there- who knows what other things she would have done if she hadn't been locked up."

"They better no let that girl out because there will be chaos and not the good kind." Another says joining the reporter. Soon more fill the screen all sharing their opinions not caring that I could be watching- someone who's innocent.


"Linda I'm sorry." Alexander lets go of Luke, letting him walk towards me. 

"But you have to understand. You're innocent. You were never supposed to be there and knowing that Zoe is the murderer and she's around you...." 

Derek lets me go, and I pull Luke into a hug holding him tight. I know what he means I understand. Luke is scared that something severe will happen but so am I. 

"So now what?" asks Jessica.

I let go of Luke and look back at everyone. "I need evidence. Something that will help open up the case again."

"It's been years..." everyone turns and glares at Jessica who looks down not wanting to meet their eyes. Shes right it has, but that wont stop- especially now.

"We can do this," says Derek putting his hand in mine "for Linda and Jacob."

I shake my head "I don't want you guys to get involved this is between her and me- I'm the one she hates."

"But Derek is the one she's want's," Brenda says causing everyone to slightly tense including him. "If shes actually the one, we're getting involved, we're not going to lose you again."

They all nod in agreement and look back at me.
"What else do we need to know." she says leaving no room for arguments.


We all head over to the couch and sit while I start to explain everything in between the moment I got out to what Eva had told me.

Everyone stayed quiet listening to every detail.

Of course, there was some shouting and objects thrown here and there and an angry Brenda but other than that everything went well.

"Do you know where this cabin is?" asks Jessica.

I shake my head " No I don't remember."

"Even if you do remember I don't think those photos would be there," says Sarah "they probably already cleared it up. Besides with Brenda's parent's here more often I doubt they'll come back."

I nod. 

"Wait! what about the notes, messages, the box?" exclaims Brenda with a look of determination on her face "can't we use those?"

"We can, but we need more evidence- everything they have is against me. As for the box, there's nothing solid in there beside the album and the messages you where there the first time, they still haven't found anything."

"But that note you found under the box has to be worth something," states Alexander. "it seems to me that whoever kidnapped you wanted you, only you, to see it if he hid it under that box." 

I shrug "maybe...but if we can come up with more things it may put a strong doubt in their minds and reconsider the case besides... they'll probably think I'm lying and say I made that note," I mutter.

I let out a deep breath and rub my tired eyes.

"Now It makes sense. Zoe's actions I guess. Why didn't we see it sooner?" says Jessica running a hand through her now tangled hair.

"Believe me it took me a while to piece it together Eva's statement helped me figure it out. It helped clear the doubts" I reply leaning my head on Derek's shoulder.

"why did she keep quiet though?" asks Sarah

"she was scared that Zoe would find out and I don't blame her at least now we know."

Sarah doesn't look too convinced with my answer but nods anyway.

"When I first met Zoe, I thought she was crazy, but I never thought this crazy" mutters Derek.

"Well, that girl is crazy for you" states Luke through gritted teeth sending Derek a small glare.

Stay away from Derek.

"I think its best if you both stay away from each other at school If she does hate you," Sarah says "we can't risk it we need to act normal."

Easier said than done.

I'm watching you.

Derek doesn't look like he likes the idea but nods and grips my hand.

"How are we going to find evidence?" questions Jessica, placing a hand on her knee.

An idea pops into my head, and it's not one of the brightest I've ever come up with but its worth a try. 

I clear my throat and feel all eyes on me once again.

"We break into her house."

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