George raises his cup of coffee to his lips that are curled upwards still. Wanting a cup, I walk over to George and push his shoulder lightly to nudge him out of the way. I can still feel the smirk on his face as I pour the coffee into a mug, so I roll my eyes, "Wipe that smirk off your face."

I turn my body to face his, noticing his smile widening even more, "What smirk?"

I groan, "That one!"

"But you see, this is all quite comical for me."

My eyebrows raise at George, wondering why he finds this all so funny, "How so?"

George shrugs his shoulders as he takes another sip of the piping hot liquid, "Because it's obvious you two belong together and slowly, but surely, it's happening right before my eyes."

I firmly say, "No, he has Angelina who is nice and good of him. I see no point in standing in the way of their happiness."

He retorts, "You two are endgame and even Fred knows this. Yes, Angelina is beautiful and kind, but she isn't right for our dear Fred. She needs to be with someone else, meaning that you and Fred can finally be together after all this time."

Now it's my turn to smirk, understanding some of his motive for wanting me and Fred together, "You like her." He opens his mouth to deny, but I cut him off, "You like her and want to be with her."

He knows I caught him, so he lets out a sigh as he sits down on the nearby couch, "It's supposed to be me with her and then you and Fred. It just makes more sense."

I sit down next to him and put my hand on his back in a comforting manner, "The universe works in funny ways. Everything will work itself out eventually." I rub his back and continue, "But for now, they have to come to this realization on their own."

"You're right."

I chuckle, "Aren't I always?" He laughs with me until I change the subject, "Can I help out with mailing out the products today?"

Fred walks into the room with his hair still wet, "Am I interrupting something?" His eyes flicker between the close proximity of me and George, lingering on my hand on his back. 

George and I make eye contact before bursting out in laughter. Fred just stands confused as George stands up to pat Fred on the shoulder, "I'm not trying to steal your girl, don't worry." I snicker at this, knowing that he is referring to me and not Angelina since in a way, George is trying to steal her. 

Fred's eyes narrow but George ignores it as he waves for me to come join him. We walk downstairs and George tells me, "I have a list here of the orders, so if you can make piles, I will get them wrapped up and ready for delivery." I do as I'm told, wandering around the room in search for the different products on his list. 

We keep at it for hours, wanting to get all the orders done today. The day passes quickly, and we walk upstairs to see Fred hard at work on writing unique cards to go along with the products. Fred states, "Angelina is coming over to grab some products for her friends."

George looks excited at the mention of her name as I simply nod in response.

Thirty minutes later, Angelina arrives with a large bag. George carries an armful of products and drops them into her bag as she hands them some money return. "They are going to love these! You guys are brilliant." George's cheeks redden as Fred smiles at her kind words. 

Angelina walks over to Fred, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind to peer down at the note he is currently working on. George and I make our way to the kitchen, not wanting to see the couple lovingly interact right in front of our faces. She hangs around for a few minutes, but I notice Fred not paying that much attention to her as she goes on about random things. 

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