Mac and I ran and grabbed them off of her. They was about to kill her. Raegan was laid out on the ground knocked out and the principal came rushing out of the hallway because of all the commotion.

"Aye lets go!" Mac said grabbing Jazmines things off the ground and pulling her. I followed him with Tiny. We ran out the back way of the school so these two wouldn't get arrested for damn near killing a girl. Once we made it to the back of the school we stopped running and Tiny pulled Jazmine into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Jazmine!" She said while Jazmine hugged her back.

"It's okay. I love you T." Jazmine said.

Derek, Kasey and Nate came walking around the corner. They spotted Jazmine and Tiny and I instantly knew they was gone stop and say something to them. I couldn't stop them I do not want a repeat of anything.

"Aye Derek, look it's the baddies from that one party." Nate said nudging Derek.

"I see em, its Baby Phat from high school." he said referring to Jazmine who snapped her neck to immediately look at who said.

"Nigga what you just call me?" She said walking towards Derek.

"Aye chill ma, it was just a joke." Derek said.

"You big trippen ma," Kasey said sending a hard slap to Jazmines ass. I immediately became mad as fuck. But before I could do anything Mac was already pinning him against the locker.

"Get the fuck off me nigga!" Kasey said looking mad as fuck.

"Nigga you bold enough to slap her ass, then you bold enough to handle the backlash." Mac said sending one good punch to his face and knocking him out cold.

"Aye baby B get yo nigga before we has to handle him." Nate said calling me my middle school nickname that I absolutely hated.

"Nah fuck you." I said. "Yall some bitches."

"Ooooh look who's finally getting bold. You wasn't that bold in middle school Baby B." Derek said pushing Jazmine out of his way. She pushed him back and he looked at her crazy.

"Hit her if you want to." Mac said.

"Fuck yall." Derek said. "Kasey wake yo ass up and lets go."

After Derek tapped him with his foot, Kasey finally snapped out of his little trance he was in and stood up holding his jaw. Derek and Nate shook they head and walked away.

"Baby B?" Jazmine asked me.

"Yeah, if you would let me explain I could tell you." I said. She nodded her head.

"Alright well since we basically on the run we can take Mac's G- Wagon and go on somewhere. I'll let you explain." She said the words I've been waiting to hear for the longest.

We all walked out around back and went to the front part of the school. We reached, Mac's car and got in. He wasted no time speeding off.

"Where we going?" Tiny asked.

"Back to my place." Mac said like we know where that is.

"So explain your story." Jazmine said.



Breyden POV

"She need to go to the gym." Caleb shouts making the class erupt into laughter. Caleb looks at Derek and Kasey for satisfaction. They dap him up letting him know he did good. I sat back and watched as Kasey and Derek talked about Jazmine in the worse way possible.

My gut was telling me to say something. Caleb walked over and placed his hand on my shoulder letting me know that this will hopefully blow over.

"Sorry, B. It's for you. We can't do anything about this unless we want them tormenting us out on the field and in the locker room." He told me.

"But did you really just have to humiliate her like that. It's bad enough with that comment earlier. I think they know that her and I aren't speaking anymore you don't have to call her names."

"Breyden, if you don't make this shit believable you won't get picked for Bradshaw's football team. Derek's dad is the coach man. The scouts be all over Bradshaw and Milennium."

"I don't know if it's worth it anymore. I'm tearing down my best friend all over what? High school and college football. Because I don't want to be bullied myself?" I told him. "I just can't keep doing this."

"You talking crazy Breyden. You think you and Jazmine really gone be best friends for the rest of yall lives? Y'all not, you gone go yo separate ways you gotta do whats best for you in the end." Caleb explained. I didn't feel right behind this but I really wanted to play for the NY Giants.

I mean I could always make it up to her in high school right? After I get on the team?

Flashback Over

"So you let your friends and teammates bully me because you didn't want t deal with a shove in the locker room?" Jazmine said as Mac pulled into the McDonald's drive through. " I should drop yo ass off here and make you walk home."

"You're still mad? Or maybe I should explain how Kasey and Derek useed to come and slit my thighs with razors in the locker room or how they used to come and tie a rag around Caleb and Terrence's neck and pull. We were tortured behind you. They didn't want their "team mates" seen with the fat girl of the school. I'm sorry, Jaz I really am. If I could go back I would. I just want my best friend back."


"I'm sorry Breyden, I know football is your life. But let me get my fucking hands on them niggas." Jaz said rubbing her hands together like a villain.

"Sit back Patchy you ain't gone do shit yo uncle already done called the rest of his brothers out here." Mac said pulling around to pay for our food.

"So you wanna explain why you walking around like Beyonce with a body guard?"Tiny asked.

"When we get to the house." She said smiling.






My little flashback was lame but it couldn't be too gruesome they was middle schoolers🙄. But anyways how'd yall like it? Do y'all forgive Breyden or nah?

If y'all don't remember Derek, Kasey and Nate they are in the part where Jaz and Tiny was SUPPOSED to go on a date with Quint and Aiden. 😊

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