Chapter 14 - Phoenix Rising (Revised)

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Arthit's POV

"Where am I?" Arthit asked as he was in a place that there was fire everywhere, a volcano was erupting and the sun was scorching in the sky, it is bigger and nearer, but it gives off light and warmth, the flames doesnt bother me at all, it even felt comforting... it doesnt feel hot."

"it feels comfortably warm... I cant help but smile with what im feeling right now, these flames are very comforting... Wait... how the hell did i get here?? where am i?? The last thing i remember was the fire... and Dae!! i hope he's alright... i also remember... Kong... He saved me... well maybe that was just my dream... maybe i died? it's fiery here... am i in Hell??" His eyes widened as he thought about it...

"but isnt hell a place of suffering? but why am i very comfortable here? or maybe i am a demon as they say??"

"You're not a demon child, you're a god." A voice spoke,

"Who's that?" Arthit was looking around, i dont see anyone anywhere... and then he saw a bird spreading it's wings, its wings are like burning fire, the bird itself is like fire, beautiful but dangerous.

Arthit's eyes widened as he stared at the bird who rose from the flames.

"Do not be afraid young one." The Bird said...

"W-who are y-you? What are you?" Arthit asked.

"I am Arthit, yet i am not,"

Arthit gave him a confused reaction, the bird chuckled at what he saw

"You can call me Phoenix." Arthit scratched his head in confusion. The fiery bird chuckled again.

"I am you Arthit, i am reborn as you." He explained.

"You said earlier that i am a god?" Arthit asked.

"Yes, since you and I are the same, you are me and I am you, the god of fire, light and heat." Phoenix explained,

"I have awakened because of a great danger approaching fast. I know the others have already awakened, seek them and join them Arthit, by being together is the only chance that you can stop the darkness." Arthit was shocked with what he heard.

"Others? you mean there are other gods like me?" the bird nodded.

"Kongpob..." he thought, "and Pha, Apo and Ai'Bright!"

"Yes... go meet them they will tell you everything..." The bird urged him. Arthit nodded.

"And one last thing... NEVER trust the seer..." Phoenix continued, He flapped his wings, and flames surround Arthit. He closed his eyes and felt warmth in his hand...

Arthit opened his eyes. It was dark but he could see the silhouette of the ceiling, he could hear the cardiac monitor beeping and he could feel an oxygen tube in his nose. He was in the hospital.

He moved his head and saw a boy sleeping beside his bed, holding his hand...

"Kong..." He said in a hoarse voice. The boy suddenly snapped his head.

"P'Arthit! you're awake now! are you feeling alright?" Arthit nodded.

"Yeah earlier i felt my body aching like i was hit by a thousand baseball bats." He said he tried to sit up, Kong helped him.

"P' I was so worried, i thought i was going to lose you." Kong said tears were forming in his eyes. and without warning Kongpob wraps his arms around Arthit, his face hidden on his chest. Arthit could hear sobs. He patted the boy's head, He felt warm and comfortable being wrapped by those arms. He smiled to himself.

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