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sarahhh: hey

dallonweekes: um.. hi

dallonweekes: what's up? I'm assuming it's about Brendon

sarahhh: it is, actually

sarahhh: you know how weird it was that he broke up with you so suddenly?

dallonweekes: it was SO weird. We were doing fine??

dallonweekes: he literally texted me "we need a break. I'm sorry." and that was that

sarahhh: he did it like THAT?

sarahhh: that motherfucker

dallonweekes: right?

dallonweekes: anyway why am I even telling you this, you're his girlfriend

sarahhh: actually, I'm not

dallonweekes: what?

sarahhh: he's gay, Dallon

dallonweekes: WHAT?

dallonweekes: wait, why did that shock me?

dallonweekes: anyway, if you know, why did he break up with me?

sarahhh: that's actually what I'm here to tell you about

sarahhh: god, this'll sound so weird

dallonweekes: spill the tea, sis

sarahhh: haha, alright then

sarahhh: you guys were obviously a HUGE couple that gained a lot of publicity, and the CEO of Brendon's record label wasn't cool with that

dallonweekes: ???

sarahhh: he threatened to drop bren if he didn't break up with you and act "straighter"

dallonweekes: WAIT, WHAT??

dallonweekes: oh my god

dallonweekes: homophobes?? in this economy??

sarahhh: my thoughts exactly!

sarahhh: I'm so sorry you had to be caught in this fucking hurricane, dal. You are literally the least deserving person to receive it.

dallonweekes: thanks Sarah :)

sarahhh: it's true

sarahhh: and I'd also like to apologize on Brendon's behalf for his dumbass plan. He could've actually told you what was happening or kept dating you in secret, but here we are

dallonweekes: he is dumb sometimes, isn't he?

sarahhh: the dumbest

dallonweekes: so you were his fake girlfriend?

sarahhh: precisely

sarahhh: we've been best friends since 4th grade

dallonweekes: ah, coolio

sarahhh: he really wanted me to tell you this.

sarahhh: I have a feeling he might message you soon, and I know he'll be afraid to tell you this, but he still loves you. He never wanted this to happen to you.

dallonweekes: oh

dallonweekes: thank you Sarah, that means so much to me to hear that

sarahhh: it's no problem

sarahhh: I'm gonna get going now, it was nice talking to you

dallonweekes: likewise!

dallonweekes: again, thank you for this, I'll be thinking about it for a while

sarahhh: of course!

sarahhh: bye, Dallon

dallonweekes: bye, Sarah :)

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