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Before I began, I just wanted to say how happy you all make me when I read all of the comments! They inspire me so much to keep writing this story. Honestly, at first, when I started writing this story, I didn't think that it would get that many votes or reads.

It was just an idea that popped into my head and I liked the idea of it all because there were so many things that I could do with this book! And I am so glad that I started writing it because a lot of yall seem to love this book and that makes me so excited. Without all of you, this book wouldn't even exist because I probably would have given up on it!

I am thinking this book is coming to an end soon because I don't want it to be super long. Maybe a few more chapters and that will be it.

I may do a sequel to this one or I may do a different storyline. I'm not sure yet. I'll have to come up with some interesting ideas:)

Anyways, again, I love you all so freaking muchhhh!

On to this chapter that you all have been waiting for;)

Alison's POV

As soon as Wayne shuts the door to the bathroom, I look around for Emily, my heart beating ninety to nothing. She needs to hurry up and get out of this house before her dad sees her. I don't want her father hating her for the rest of her life just because of me.

I check my bedroom, thinking that would be the first place she would hide but she's not there. She's not hiding in the hallway closet or the pantry or even the laundry room. Where else could she be?

"Looking for something?" Wayne's voice comes from behind me, nearly giving me a heart attack. How long has he been standing there? I quickly take the ring off my finger and turn around with it.

"My ring." I say, holding it up for him to see. He nods his head before he puts his hands in his pockets. Something he normally does when he is nervous about something. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay." He looks around the room and then looks back at me with a smile. "There's something I have been wanting to ask you, Alison..." I nod my head for him to continue. "I-" Wayne's phone rings throughout the room, interrupting his train of words. I wonder what he was going to ask me...

He takes his phone out of his front pocket and gives me an apologetic look. "Sorry, it's my daughter. It's probably important." He walks a few feet away from me but I can still hear him. "Emily is everything okay?" --- "Okay, I'll be on my way in just a minute. I was visiting Alison." --- "I love you, too." Wayne hangs up the phone and gives me an apologetic smile.

"Is everything okay with her?" I ask, pretending to look worried.

"Yeah. She said she broke down on the side of the road heading back from Phili with her friends and she doesn't know what's wrong with it." I nod my head. "I'll just see you tomorrow or something." He comes over to me and kisses me on the forehead. I give him a small smile before he leaves.

"He left." I yell out because I have no idea where she is. Emily comes around the corner, almost making my heart jump out of my chest. "Where were you?"

"In the bathroom." Emily looks relieved.

"Seriously? Out of all the places, you choose the bathroom!" I slap her on the arm. "He could have seen you! Both of us could be dead right now!" Emily only laughs. "It's not funny, Emily!" I slap her again.

"It's a little funny." She shrugs her shoulders before pulling me into her arms. "We didn't get caught and that's all that matters."

"And what exactly are you going to tell your father when he gets to Phili and you're not there?" I raise my eyebrows at her when I pull away.

"I'll just tell him one of our friends from school saw us and stopped by to help. And tell him that I forgot to tell him."

"Isn't he going to get mad?" I question. I know I would get mad.

"Not really. He doesn't get mad easy." I nod my head. "But there is something I need to tell you." Emily's expression changes to worry. "I called my dad because I had to stop him from asking you something."

"Stop him from asking me what?"

"He wants to marry you, Alison." My mouth immediately opens.

He wants to marry me? We haven't even been together that long! How can he even be ready to commit to something that big? Wouldn't the whole, want to move in with me, come before marriage? Is he insane?

But I know he's not insane.

He's in love with me.

And I know that feeling.

I feel it every time I look at Emily.


Emily's POV

"Dude, that is insane!" Hanna tells me with her mouth full of food. Aria just glares at her.

"What is Alison going to do?" Aria questions as we sit at our usual spot during lunch.

"She's going to break up with him today." I look down at my hands. I feel bad for him. I know it's going to hurt him but I can't expect Alison to keep dating him when she doesn't even like him in that way. I don't want her to. It's bad enough that they probably kissed each other before. It's gross just thinking about it.

"Hey, it will be okay." Aria reaches out and grabs my hand. I look over at Hanna to see her frown. Is everything okay between the two of them?

"I just don't want my dad to get hurt. I love him so much." I feel guilty. They could be happy right now if I would have just kept my feelings in check. Or maybe, she would be somewhere else with some other girl that she found attractive here in rosewood. Which is something I am not okay with.

I mean it was bound to happen anyways. Alison is gay. She can't go her whole life, pretending to be someone she isn't. It doesn't work that way.

"He will get through it, Em." Aria squeezes my hand and gives me a reassuring smile while Hanna just stares at our hands. What is going on with her? Is she jealous or something? Because she shouldn't be. "He has you."

"Yeah, until he finds out that she has feelings for me." I shoot back. "This is all just too complicated." I sigh.

"But you love Alison, right?" Hanna asks as if trying to reassure someone else but me.

"Yes, I love her."

"Then the complicated part will be worth it in the end." Hanna says, shrugging her shoulders. She's acting strange. In fact, she has barely said anything since we have been at lunch.

Once the bell rings for lunch to end, Aria gets up out of her seat and heads to the trash can to throw away her trash.

"So what's going on with you?" I question Hanna before she can run off.

"What are you talking about?" She asks trying to look innocent.

"You've been acting strange during the entire lunch. So what's going on?" She sighs while looking over at Aria who is now looking at her phone, probably waiting for us to catch up to go to the next class that we all have together.

"Aria has been distancing herself from me lately." Hanna frowns.

"Did you ask her why she is?" She shakes her head no. "Why not?"

"Because I think I already know why." Hanna then looks me in the eyes. "I think Aria has feelings for you."

Short chapter, I know! But I plan on updating again soon:)

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