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Emily's POV

The moment Paige's lips land on mine, I pull away and give her an angry look. Her mouth opens slightly at my reaction. I can't believe she just did that! I feel violated right now.

"Emily, I'm sorr-." Paige begins, but I cut her off by standing up.

"Don't you ever kiss me again." I walk away from her as I wipe my lips to try and get rid of the feeling of her lips on mine.

God, Hanna was right and I practically jumped down her throat earlier when she told me to not hang around Paige. Now I owe her an apology.

And all I want to do right now is kiss Ali so the feeling of Paige's lips can go away. I'm so stupid! I should have listened to my best friends but I didn't.

I walk back to where Hanna and Aria are laying on their beach towels, soaking in the sun. With a heavy sigh, I plop down in the middle of them where my towel is. They clearly don't want to seem suspicious to their parents.

I honestly don't think Hanna's mom will care. She loves her daughter and I know she will love her whether she's gay or straight. That's just how her mom is.

Aria's mom, on the other hand, I'm not so sure about. I don't really know her mom that well to know how she would react.

"Okay, so you were right." I breathe out with my eyes closed so that the sun doesn't blind me. I should have brought my shades.

"Did Emily Fields just admit to Hanna Marin being right?" Aria asks in shock.

"I don't think I heard her say it." I can hear the smile in Hanna's voice.

I sit up and give Hanna the I-am-sorry-I-hope-you-forgive-me- look.

"You're forgiven," Hanna says making me sigh in relief.

"What made Hanna right?" Aria asks, raising her eyebrow at me. I was afraid one of them were going to ask me that. Leave it to her to ask me that.

"Paige kissed me." I look down at my hands, still upset that she even kissed me. I don't even know the girl!

"I'm going to kill her." Hanna stands up and starts walking to where Paige is. I jump up and grab Hanna by the arm. "What?!" She jerks her arm away from me. "I'm not letting what happen to me, happen to you, Emily!" 

"I already put her in her place, Hanna. It's okay." I tell her with my most sincere voice. She looks at me for a few seconds longer before sighing. 

"Fine. I won't say anything but the moment something goes around the school, I will kill her myself." Hanna walks around me and grabs her stuff. "I'm ready to go home." She mutters and starts to head toward the car.

"I guess it's time to go." Aria sighs and grabs her stuff as well. 


After getting our stuff back into the vehicle, I take my place in the back while Alison and my dad sit up front. 

Not once has Ali tried to talk to me on the way home. She just kept staring out the window. 

Is she okay? Did something happen at the beach that I don't know about?

I grab my phone and click on her name to text her.

To Ali:

Is everything okay?

Alison looks at her phone but then sets it down with a sigh. She didn't even respond to my message.

"Is everything okay, Alison?" My dad asks, reaching over and grabbing her hand. She looks up at him and gives him a fake smile that I know all too well with a nod of her head. 

My Dad's GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now