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Emily's POV

"That was the longest shift ever." Alison lets out a loud sigh before plopping down onto the living room couch. I laugh at her because she can be so dramatic sometimes. "What is so funny?" She quirks an eyebrow at me in a cute way.

"You're being overdramatic," I tell her, plopping down at the end of the couch with a laugh.

"When you're at a bar on your feet all day, let me know how you feel by the end of the day." Alison takes her shoes off and begins to rub her right foot. 

Here's my chance. It's now or never. I need to find out if she likes me or not. 

I turn myself around so I'm facing her and sit crisscrossed. I tap my lap and Alison looks at me questioningly.

"Let me rub them for you. I'm sure it will feel better if I do it for you." I give her a smile as she hesitates for a few seconds. I'd give anything to know what she is thinking right now. 

Does she think it's weird that I'm offering to rub her feet? Or is she worried that it will affect her? 

I really hope it's the latter.

"Fine." Alison sighs and leans back against the arm of the couch and prop her right foot in my lap while her left foot is beside me. 

Time to figure out how you feel, Ali.

I press my hands onto her right foot and began to massage them gently while my eyes stay trained on Alison who has her eyes closed already. As I continue to massage, I put more force onto her foot, causing Alison to moan slightly.

And I'd be lying if I said that wasn't the sexiest sound I have ever heard. 

After massaging her right foot, I move to her left one and continue to do the same thing. 

"You have no idea how amazing this feels." Alison breathes, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. Luckily she still has her eyes closed so she can't see what she's doing to me. 

"I've always been told I'm a great a massager." I smile even though she can't see it. Alison moans again causing a sensation to sit low in the pit of my stomach. What is she doing to me? I've never had this feeling before. 

I need to stop before I do something that I will regret. 

As soon as I stop massaging, Alison pries her eyes open and gives me a cute little pout.

"Why did you stop?" She groans, sitting up. "That felt amazing."

I know what else would feel amazing.

Stop it, Emily.

Damn hormones.

"I had the sudden urge to eat." I shrug my shoulders and walk to the kitchen. I wash my hands before looking through the fridge.

"After that massage, I'm hungry myself." Without even turning around, I can tell Alison is grinning. I don't know if she meant it in a sexual way but I took it in that way. 

"What do you want to eat?" I question her while rummaging through the fridge for something that sounds good.


My head hits the top of the fridge when she says this and I instantly wince. I quickly turn around and stare at her with a confused look.

"What did you just say?" I need to make sure I'm hearing her right. 

"I said you pick." Alison stares at me like I suddenly have two heads.

Great. So now I'm hearing things that I only want to hear. I mentally sigh. I need to know if she likes me or not and it's starting to get to me.

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